
Our Millennium Challenge Corporation , for example , makes large-scale investments in partner countries to reduce poverty through growth .
I wrote my book , " Our Final Century , " as a scientist , just a general scientist .
And I now move on to the second part of my talk , and the book " Our Final Century " was mentioned .
But even in this concertinaed cosmic perspective , our century is very , very special , the first when humans can change themselves and their home planet .
The century we are facing is a century for education essentially .
Century we live in , is a relative uncertainty of the times .
As the scientists tell us : the nature of climate change during this century will go beyond human experience .
Ring farewell to the century of physics , the one in which we split the atom and turned silicon into computing power .
But the slow rate of change of deep ocean temperatures means that we are likely to be committed to sea-level rise for many centuries to come .
Our ancestors came to Swat in the sixteenth century from Kabul , where they had helped a Timurid emperor win back his throne after his own tribe removed him .
Perhaps the tremendous progress we 've made over the last century by a series of forces are ,
It says : The only wealth-of-the-living concentration estimates we provide for the twentieth century are national estimates for 1947 and 1994 .
But the fact that digitisation now dominates the Olympic opening ceremony is a symbol of how our 21st-century world is changing .
and soon thereafter he began offering me his ideas for a series we were doing on the most influential people of the century .
I think we shall be able to achieve our goal of increasing per capita GNP to us $ 800 by the end of the century .
That 's what this is all about-making sure our government of the people and by the people works better for the people in the 21st century .
Linking spending on basic research with heavy investment in physical and digital infrastructure points to a new kind of 21st-century economy that still has us building stuff .
I am profoundly grateful to you for twice giving me the honor to serve , to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for the 21st century .
Professor : I mean , hydroponics isn 't really my specialty but from the research I have read , we are talking the nineteenth century , maybe the seventeenth century if you really stretch it .
Few questions will matter more for both of us in the new century unfolding before us .