
  • 网络Chengdu Business Daily;Chengdu Economic Daily;Chengdu Commercial Daily;Chengdu Commercial Newspaper
  1. 尽管在参与调查者中,赞同大学无用的呼声很高,但《成都商报》的55位读者表示大学能够开阔一个人的视野。

    Despite strong opposition from survey respondents , 55 readers of Chengdu Economic Daily said higher education could broaden one ` s horizons .

  2. 这位父亲对《成都商报》的记者说:我的街坊四邻里,至少有10个大学毕业生待业在家。

    " In my neighborhood , at least 10 university graduates cannot find jobs and stay at home ," her father told Chengdu Economic Daily .

  3. 2008年5月13日至6月15日《成都商报》商业广告中的汶川地震叙事

    Wenchuan Earthquake Narrative in the " Chengdu Commercial Daily " Commercial Advertising from May 13 to June 15,2008

  4. 《华西都市报》和《成都商报》为实现市场分割,在同一城市开展了异质化竞争。

    In order to segment the newspaper market , West China City Daily and Chengdu Commercial News have launched a competition for diversified quality in Chengdu City .

  5. 成都商报报道,作为电影节的压轴戏,明晚,最具悬念的金鸡百花电影节颁奖典礼将通过央视3套正式亮相。

    According to Chengdu Commercial Newspaper , tomorrow night , as the last part of the festival , 3 movies passed by the Central will be announced .

  6. 据《成都商报》报道,作为学校户外运动专业的一部分,成都大学正在教学生如何使用专业设备来爬树。

    Chengdu University is teaching students how to properly climb a tree using professional equipment as part of the school 's leisure sports major , reports the Chengdu Economic Daily .

  7. 这位19岁的女孩在接受《成都商报》采访时表示:我爸爸不想供我上大学,因为他认为上大学是笔血本无归的投资。

    " My dad doesn ` t want to pay for my university education as he believes the investment in higher education can ` t be recouped ," the 19-year-old told Chengdu Economic Daily .

  8. 其中一名女性受害者是工作室的一名长期雇员,她向《成都商报》透露,针对此事她深受其害,导致她事后几天都没有食欲。

    One of the female victims , a long-time employee of the studio , told Chengdu Business Daily that she was deeply affected by the incident , which caused her to lose her appetite for several days after .

  9. 据《成都商报》报道,在过去7年里,住在惠水县的离尘(化名)和儿子洋洋(化名)一直照料着7个真人娃娃,在社交媒体上引起了广泛的关注。

    For seven years , Li Chen ( pseudonym ) and son Yangyang ( pseudonym ) of Huishui county have been raising the anatomically correct dolls , and raising eyebrows on social media , reported Chengdu Business Daily .

  10. 在接受《成都商报》采访时,潘金莲的弟弟表示,几十年来,自己的姐姐一直都因这个名字而备受困扰,就连她的丈夫和两个孩子也惨遭连累。

    In an interview with the Chengdu Economic Daily , Pan 's younger brother said that his sister 's suffering caused by her fictional namesake has been going on for years , with her two children and husband also bearing the brunt .

  11. 兽医何锦宜于今年六月份给这只猫咪做了手术,他向《成都商报》透露,此次手术不是为了出于美容而使它的眼睛看起来更大,而是为了矫正肥肥内翻的眼皮。由于睫毛摩擦角膜,它可能会感到不悦或因此感染。

    Veterinarian He Jinyi , who operated on the feline in June , told Chengdu Business Daily that the procedure was not cosmetic to make its eyes look bigger , but to correct Feifei 's inward folding eyelids , which could cause irritation or infection due to the cat 's eyelashes rubbing against its cornea .

  12. 众所周知,成都报业市场的竞争异常激烈,而自1999年《天府早报》创刊以来,在与《成都商报》、《华西都市报》、《成都晚报》三家报纸的竞争中一直处于劣势地位。

    As we know , the competition of the newspaper market in Chengdu is very fierce . Since Tianfu Morning Paper began publication in 1999 , it has been at a disadvantage in the competition with Chengdu Economic Newspaper , West China City Newspaper and Chengdu Evening Newspaper .