
  • 网络maturation
  1. 卵丘细胞对卵母细胞的促成熟作用可直接作用于裸卵,促进裸卵的成熟及随后的发育。

    Cumulus cells can facilitate maturation and development of nude oocytes directly .

  2. 黄芪多糖对白血病患者树突状细胞外泌体促成熟作用的研究

    Effects of Astragalus Polysaccharide on Maturation of Exosomes Derived from Dendritic Cells of Leukemia Patients

  3. E2与激素联合使用相比促成熟作用不明显(35.0%、31.9%,P>0.05);

    Effect of E2 on IVM of porcine oocytes was not significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. ABA与乙烯对跃变果实成熟作用的影响

    Effects of ABA and Ethylene on Ripening of Climacteric Fruits

  5. 在气源岩母质和成熟作用基本一致的情况下,保存条件越好,气藏中累积的早期生成的低成熟度天然气(低阶组分)越多,其δ13C1值越轻;

    With the same resource and maturity , the better the preservation conditions are the more amount of early generated low maturity gas accumulated in a gas pool , the lighter methane carbon isotope value the gas has .

  6. 目的:研究硫酸普拉酮钠促宫颈成熟作用的临床价值。

    Objective : To explore the cervical ripening effect of sodium prasterone sulfate ( SPS ) .

  7. 提示蓖麻油引产餐具有明显促妊娠大鼠宫颈成熟作用,这种促宫颈成熟作用可能是蓖麻油引产餐诱发分娩启动的前提与基础。

    The results suggested that castor oil-diet induced cervical ripening in pregnant rats , which might be related to initiation of labor induced by castor oil-diet .

  8. 采用人工模拟热演化和地质热演化两个系列样品,研究了成熟作用对孢子体、藻类体等显微组分荧光性的影响。

    In this paper , some effects of the maturation on the fluorescences of alginites and sporinites are studied with both artificial simulation and natural evolution samples .

  9. 为实现树木长期与原种一致的无性繁殖,必须了解其成熟作用和幼态保持的机理,选取幼态组织作为繁殖材料或采用人工复壮措施。

    So it is essential to study the mechanisms of maturation , juvenility retention and rejuvenation before uniform , true-to-type , long-term cloning of trees can be achieved .

  10. 沉积盆地中流体压力在地质历史中是变化的,所以很难确定压力对油气生成、有机质成熟作用的影响。

    It is difficult to confirm the pressure effect on oil and gas generation and organic matter maturation , because the fluid pressure in sedimentary basins changes during geological history .

  11. 本文论述了一口探井的未成熟海相碳酸盐生油岩的地球化学特征,以及混合型有机质的差异成熟作用;

    Analysis data show that the immaturity of the carbonate source rocks is controlled by the different degree of maturation of the mixed type organic matter under the given geological setting .

  12. 在成熟作用初期,荧光光谱面貌的变化往往标志大量生油阶段的开始,而荧光的淬灭则与液烃窗的结束有关。

    The beginning of the main oil generation phase is marked by the obvious alteration of spectral fluorescence pattern , while the end of'oil window ' corresponds to the extinction of fluorescence .

  13. 对Ⅱ型未成熟源岩采用高压釜热模拟实验方法,研究了在有水及无水条件下,生成的热解烃中正构烷烃单体氢同位素随热成熟作用的变化情况。

    In order to characterize the influences of maturation and water in the hydrogen isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes from the pyrolysis , the simulation test of type ⅱ source rock was made by high-pressure autoclave .

  14. 从生油岩成熟作用史的角度出发,分析了准噶尔盆地西北缘、东部、腹部、南缘和北部地区石炭系生油岩对盆地内油气成藏的意义。

    Based on maturation history of source rock , this paper analysed the significance of Carboniferous source rock with respect to formation of reservoir in the northwest margin , east part , hinterland , south margin and north part of Junggar basin .

  15. 在此基础上,探讨了其地质应用价值,指出烃类生成的岩石学特征不仅可用来研究烃类的运移与聚集,而且可用于研究显微组分的差异成熟作用及不同存在形式有机质的差异排烃效率。

    The geological implication of this research is discussed . The micro-petrological characteristics of hydrocarbon generation can be used not only to investigate the migration and accumulation of liquid hydrocarbon , but also to study the maturity and hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency of different forms of organic matter in source rock .

  16. ABA可能具有促进籽粒中同化物的累积和种子成熟的作用;

    ABA may have the functions of positively regulating assimilate accumulation and accelerating seed maturation .

  17. 研究了FCS,17β-E2,FSH,LH对山羊卵泡卵母细胞成熟的作用,及培养时间对卵母细胞核和细胞质成熟的影响。

    The effects of FCS , culture time , 17 β estradial , FSH and LH on goat oocytes in vitro maturation were studied .

  18. 本试验主要探讨了促性腺激素(FSH+LH)和17-β-雌二醇(E2)对猪卵母细胞体外成熟的作用以及卵丘细胞群状态与卵核成熟之间的关系。

    This experiment was conducted to examine the effect of gonadotropins ( FSH + LH ) and estradiol-17 β( E2 ) on the in vitro maturation of pig follicular oocytes and the relationship between nuclear maturation and morphology of cumulus cells .

  19. 结果如下:1、实验结果证明乙烯利和ABA处理都有促进果实软化、有机酸降解、花色苷积累,促进果实成熟的作用。

    The results are as follows : 1 . The results indicated that treatment with ABA and ethylene both play a positive role of fruit softening , degradation of organic acid and accumulation of anthocyanins .

  20. 激活素A诱导树突样细胞分化及巨噬细胞成熟的作用研究

    Effects of Activin A on Differentiation of Dendritic-like Cells and Maturation of Macrophages

  21. 次黄嘌呤对猪卵母细胞体外自发成熟抑制作用的研究

    Studies on the inhibitory effect of hypoxanthine on the spontaneous meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro

  22. 外源性促性腺激素诱导日本鳗鲡精子发生和成熟的作用机制

    The action mechanism of exogenous gonadotropin inducing spermatogenesis and maturity of testis in Japanese eel , Anguilla japonica

  23. 它在许多生理和病理活动中起重要作用:促进T细胞分化和成熟的作用;

    It plays an important role in physiological and pathological activities : It can promote T cell differentiation and maturation .

  24. 皮质颗粒在评估高龄妇女体外受精中受精失败卵母细胞胞质成熟度作用的研究

    Effect of Cortical Granule on Assessing the Oocytes Maturation after IVF Failure of Advanced Age Women in in vitro Fertilization

  25. 生物及有机质间接成矿意义是指有机质的成熟演变作用及其产物可以揭示成矿过程,反映低温热液成矿机理和成矿条件。

    The indirect metallogenic role refers to the fact that the maturation evolution of organic matters and relative organic products may reveal the mineralization process , reflecting the low temperature hydrothermal metallogenic mechanism and condition .

  26. 本实验研究的目的是:(1)了解外源性VEGF基因表达在成骨细胞增殖、分化和成熟中的作用。

    The objective of this experiment include : ( 1 ) To learn the effect of extra VEGF gene expression on the proliferation and maturation of osteoblast cell .

  27. 由此可见,PTH促进T细胞成熟,既作用于T细胞发育早期,亦作用于后一阶段。

    These findings show that PTH promotes the maturation of T-cells ; it acts on both the early and the later stages of T-cell differentiation .

  28. 原癌基因c-myb在孕酮调控小鼠卵母细胞成熟中的作用

    Effect of Protooncogene c-myb on Progesterone-Induced Mouse Germinal Vesicle Stage Oocyte Maturation in Vitro

  29. 以上结果表明:(1)IGF-Ⅰ和EGF对猪卵母细胞的体外成熟均有促进作用,其添加的适宜浓度分别为10ng/ml与50ng/ml;

    In conclusions , ( 1 ) IGF-I and EGF can improve in vitro maturation of porcine oocyte , and the optimum concentration is 10 ng / ml and 50 ng / ml ;

  30. 利用猪卵母细胞体外无血清培养技术,研究了次黄嘌呤(HX)对猪卵母细胞体外自发成熟的抑制作用。

    Using the serum-free culture technique for pig oocyte , the inhibitory effect of hypoxanthine ( HX ) on the spontaneous meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes was investigated .