
chéng jí sī hán
  • Genghis Khan;Jenghiz Khan
成吉思汗[chéng jí sī hán]
  1. 较高的支配地位为男性赢得交配机会提供了非常惊人的捷径:基因证据显示,今天约有8%的亚洲男性是成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其家族的后代。

    Dominance can provide a staggeringshort-cut to mating opportunities : genetic evidence indicates that about 8 % ofthe male population of Asia today is a descendent of Genghis Khan and hisfamily .

  2. 2007年拍摄《功夫之王》期间,他与当时只有13岁的儿子乔万尼(Giovanni)骑马横穿蒙古中部,沿着丝绸之路追溯成吉思汗的足迹。

    While shooting Forbidden Kingdom in 2007 , he and his son , Giovanni , then 13 , crossed Central Mongolia on horseback , following the Silk Road and tracing the Genghis Khan trail .

  3. 一些民族几乎把这种掠夺当成了一种职业:罗马共和国便是一个例子;在成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其继承人领导下攀上成功顶峰的欧亚大草原游牧民族则是另一个例证。

    Some peoples made almost a business out of such plunder : the Roman republic was one example ; the nomads of the Eurasian steppes , who reached their apogee of success under Genghis Khan and his successors , were another .

  4. 但后来,父亲沙姆斯姆•加尧姆•瓦齐尔(ShamsumQuayyumWazir)允许她练习举重,女扮男装,化名“成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)”——她逐渐在一些比赛中脱颖而出。

    But , eventually , her father , Shamsum Quayyum Wazir , let her do some weightlifting , dressed as a boy and using the nickname " Genghis Khan " - and she won some competitions .

  5. Sakamaki说,“中国的边远地带”表现出中国的现代化与传统之间的冲突。这种冲突,随着战争和迁徙的发生,也存在在其他的地方和年代,例如在成吉思汗时代的战役。

    While " China 's Outer Lands " shows the clash between modernity and tradition in China , Mr. Sakamaki says that this conflict , along with wars and migration , has existed in other places and eras , such as during the campaigns of Genghis Khan .

  6. 成吉思汗,伟大的蒙古皇帝,出生。

    Chinggis Khaan , the great Mongol emperor , was born .

  7. “一代天骄”成吉思汗骑在马上与拿破仑并驾齐驱。

    Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan is riding a horse opposite Napoleon .

  8. 论电影《成吉思汗》中音乐的民族特点

    The National Feature of the Music of the Film Genghis khan

  9. 就像卡扎菲,成吉思汗是个冷酷的统治者。

    Like Gadhafi , Genghis Khan was a ruthless ruler .

  10. 1211年,成吉思汗发动对金战争。

    In 1211 , Genghis Khan launched the war against Jin Dynasty .

  11. 内蒙古呼和浩特成吉思汗大街

    Urban environmental design of Genghis Khan Avenue , Hohhot , Inner Mongolia

  12. 是的,成吉思汗——被人误解了,维茨纳打趣说。

    Yes , Genghis Khan - misunderstood , Wizner teased .

  13. 1206年,成吉思汗统一了生活在蒙古草原的部落。

    Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206 .

  14. 铁木尔汗是成吉思汗的第七世孙。

    Temur Khan was the7th-generation descendant of Genghis Khan .

  15. 尽管成吉思汗的手段残忍,他却不是个逞一时之快的杀手。

    Despite his ruthless methods , Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer .

  16. 试论成吉思汗的社会及家庭分工思想

    On Genghis khan 's thought of division of labour

  17. 成吉思汗在东胜的陵寝成了今日蒙古族青年的拜谒之地。

    Genghis Khans Mausoleum in Dongsheng has become a shrine for Mongolian youth .

  18. 它是成吉思汗长城。

    It was the wall of Genghis Khan .

  19. 这些史家笔下呈现出的成吉思汗是一个绝顶聪明,但脾气暴烈、残忍无情的君王。

    The historians present the picture of a brilliant but tempestuous and cruel man .

  20. 简评《一代天骄成吉思汗&传记与研究》

    A Brief Review of Genghis Khan , Proud Son of Heaven Biographical Studies ;

  21. 成吉思汗于1227年驾崩,那时候他的军队已经征服了唐谷特王朝。

    Genghis Khan died in 1227 while his armies were conquering the Tangut Empire .

  22. 1227年,蒙古国王成吉思汗逝世。

    On this date : In 1227 , the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan died .

  23. 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

    Having united the tribes of Central Asia , Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere .

  24. 古代蒙古社会的成吉思汗崇拜

    Genghis Khan Adores in Ancientry Mongolia Community

  25. 成吉思汗的游牧部落大肆蹂躏,将整个村庄夷为平地,把死尸填满护城河。

    Genghis Khan 's ravaging hordes razed entire villages , then used the corpses as moat-fill .

  26. 对面墙上有一幅成吉思汗的素描——那位可怕的蒙古皇帝。

    On the opposite wall was a sketch of Genghis Khan , the feared Mongolian emperor .

  27. 和传说中无情杀手的威名相比,成吉思汗也许更欣赏这种纪念方式。

    Perhaps Genghis Khan would appreciate this more than his traditional reputation as a ruthless killer .

  28. 成吉思汗以拒不纳贡的蒙古传统方式开始向金发起进攻。

    Genghiz began his offensive against the kin in the classical Mongol way by withholding tribute .

  29. 成吉思汗文化旅游资源系统开发的相关问题研究

    A Study on Problems Concerning Systematic Development of Tourist Resources from Genghis Khan ′ s Heritage

  30. 在颂赞蒙元文化的主题中,成吉思汗是一个不可遗缺的重要课题。

    Among the subjects of extolling mongol-yuan culture , Genghis khan is one of indispensable subjects .