
  • 网络Success
  1. 的确,放眼各种成功学书籍和行业传奇,有很多成功案例都是在巨大的风险中产生的。

    Yes , if you examine all those success books and industry legends , you would find a lot of successful cases which were born under great risks .

  2. 大家应该很熟悉马尔科姆·格拉德威尓(MalcolmGladwell),他致力于研究成功学,并以此为主题写作。

    You 're probably familiar with Malcolm Gladwell , who writes and researches on the topic of success .

  3. 我们会提供有关管理学和成功学的推荐书单,其中包括唐?米格尔?鲁伊兹的《心灵自由的实用手册》(TheFourAgreements:APracticalGuidetoPersonalFreedom)、沃尔特?艾萨克森写的《乔布斯传》(SteveJobs)等。

    We maintain a list of recommended books about leadership and inspiration , including The Four Agreements : A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom , by Don Miguel Ruiz , and Steve Jobs , by Walter Isaacson .

  4. 这种中西文化的对话和沟通,说明建立中国特色的成功学和成功人生评价体系不但具备丰厚的哲学储备,而且愈益时不我待,刻不容缓,尤其在中国加入WTO以后。

    The link between Chinese and Western culture proves that to establish the theory of success with Chinese characteristics and the system of evaluating successful life is not only provided with reserves of philosophy , but also brooks no delay , esp. after China enters WTO .

  5. 成功学在大学英语学习中的应用

    On the Application of the Theory of Success in English Learning

  6. 这三大法宝还有助于解释其它成功学理论。

    The triple package helps make sense of other success theories .

  7. 传统文化资源与成功学

    The Source of Traditional Culture and the Subject of Success

  8. 中国成语中的成功学阐释

    The Interpretation of the Theory of Success in Chinese Idioms

  9. 成功学理念训练法在排球发球教学中的应用

    Application of the Study of Success Concept Training Method in Volleyball Serves

  10. 成功学教学法在排球普修课教学中的应用

    Application of the Successful Teaching Method in Volleyball Teaching of Common Course

  11. 它来自于一位名叫安东尼·罗宾斯的成功学专家。

    It comes from a success expert named Anthony Robbins .

  12. 在大学生中开展成功学教育的探讨

    An Exploration of Success Science Education among College Students

  13. 成功学对高校两课教学的启示

    Enlightening Guidance of Success Science to the Teaching of " Two Subjects " in Higher Institutes

  14. 要学,就要向行动成功学创始人&李践总裁学!

    Want to learn , just learn from Founder of Acting Success & President Li Jian .

  15. 西方成功学是一门关于成功的规律、方法和途径的科学。

    Western success science is a science regarding to the laws , methods and approaches of success .

  16. 许多写了与哈佛相关的成功学书籍的人甚至都没有大学文凭。

    Most of those responsible for the Harvard-related success stories may not even have a college diploma .

  17. 成功学诞生于美国,但中国成语中所蕴含的人生精神正可作出成功学的解释。

    The theory of success , born in America , can be interpreted with the spirit of life contained in Chinese idioms .

  18. 本人为人脚踏实地,兴趣广泛,尤其热衷于成功学和计算机,有一颗不知疲倦的心。

    I do solid work , the interest is extensive , especially fond of succeeding in studying and computer , Have an untiring heart .

  19. 蔡美儿和鲁宾费尔德不仅仅回答了伊顿公学的问题。在我所见过的普适成功学理论中,他们提出的观点是最佳的一个。

    Not only have Chua and Rubenfeld answered the Eton question , they have come up with the best universal theory of success I 've seen .

  20. 我今天要学多少英语句子?我今天要记多少句成功学名言和信念句子?

    How many sentences in English am I going to learn today ? How many sentences of motto or faith in success am I going to remember today ?

  21. 西方成功学既给人们指出了成功需要具备什么样的品质,又为人们具备这些优良品质指明了途径。

    Western Success Science not only points out what qualities people need to succeed , but it also makes it clear how people can get these fine qualities .

  22. 您如何看待成功学?虽然很多人都接受过这方面激励,但为什么他们的生活还是没什么改变?

    What is your view about the success theory ? As we know , although many people know about this theory , why has nothing changed about their life ?

  23. 我不赞同那些成功学中说的,所谓的“自我认可”主要就是一种心态,一种态度&你可以由此获得平静感。

    I do not agree with popular success literature that says self-esteem is primarily a matter of mind-set , of attitude & that you can psyche yourself into peace of mind .

  24. 奥普拉:很荣幸,今天我们邀请到了世界著名的成功学专家,梅尔文杜莱,他最近出版了一本励志书《我成功,你成功》。

    Oprah : It 's my pleasure today to welcome the world-renowned expert on succes Melvin Durai , author of the new self-help book I 'm Successful , You 're Successful .

  25. 如何把握成功学的合理内核,去粗取精、去伪存真,实现两课教学的创新和发展,应是高校思想政治工作研究的重要课题。

    How should we master the " rational and positive factors " in success science and promote the teaching of " Two Subjects " is a very important issue which we should research .

  26. 大学英语学习过程中存在不少问题,实现大学英语的培养目标,教师应运用成功学的理论,对学生的英语学习进行引导。

    There exists a lot of problems in the college English learning . To realize the goal of cultivating students , teachers should apply the theory of success to guide their English learning .

  27. 奥普拉:很荣幸,今天我们邀请到了世界著名的成功学专家,梅尔文•杜莱,他最近出版了一本励志书《我成功,你成功》。他说他能在一里(500米)之外辨认出谁是成功人士。

    Oprah : " It 's my pleasure today to welcome the world-renowned expert on succes Melvin Durai , author of the new self-help book I 'm Successful , You 're Successful . He says he can spot a successful person a mile away . "

  28. 如何将在社会上风靡多年而大学生们又普遍关心的成功学教育与大学生就业能力的培养结合起来,是一个非常值得探讨的问题。

    The problem deserving to research is how to combine the cultivation of the employment ability of col-lege students with the successful principals education , which is very popular among the college students for many years and the college students pay much attention on it .

  29. 我终于能够成功地学自己喜欢的专业了,这显然是一件值得高兴的事。

    At last I manage to learn what I like , which is obviously something worthy to be happy .

  30. 结节性多动脉炎:利用脉冲彩色多普勒超声和CT血管造影术获得成功的影像学诊断

    Polyarteritis nodosa : Successful diagnostic imaging utilizing pulsed and color Doppler ultrasonography and computed tomography angiography