
chénɡ jiāo què rèn shū
  • confirmation
  1. 买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。

    The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot .

  2. 拍卖合同成立后签订的《拍卖合同成交确认书》也存在特殊性,它对于拍卖合同并非产生成立效力,而只是证据效力。

    The auction contract confirmation , which is signed after the establishment differs from other confirmation .

  3. 拍卖船舶成交确认书

    Letter of Affirmation of Ship Auction

  4. 竞投人一经成功投得拍卖品,应当场签署成交确认书。

    After a lot has been sold , the buyer shall sign the Sales Confirmation on the spot .

  5. 拍卖船舶委员会组织对船舶鉴定、估价;组织和主持拍卖;与竞买人签订拍卖成交确认书;办理船舶移交手续。

    The ship auction committee organizes appraisal and valuation of the ship ; organizes and presides over the auction ; signs a letter of confirmation for conclusion of the auction with the bidder ; and handles procedures for the transfer of the ship .