
  • 网络Becoming a fund;Chengwei Ventures
  1. 阿里巴巴表示,该计划已得到包括古永锵(VictorKoo)、成为基金(ChengweiCapital)及其关联方在内的优酷创始股东的支持。

    Alibaba said it had made the proposal with the support of the founding shareholders of Youku , including Victor Koo , Chengwei Capital and their affiliates .

  2. 冈拉克于2009年创立了DoubleLine,从无到有把资产做到了500亿美元,成为基金管理行业发展最快的初创企业。

    Mr Gundlach is the founder of Double - Line , which went from a standing start in 2009 to $ 50bn in assets , becoming the fastest start-up in the fund management industry .

  3. 约翰逊相信悉尼能够成为基金管理和基建领域的强大利基参与者。

    Mr Johnson is confident Sydney can become a strong niche player in fund management and infrastructure .

  4. 不到10年间的发展过程中,开放式基金已经取代封闭式基金成为基金市场的主流。

    Less than 10 years of development , open-end fund closed-end funds as funds have replaced the mainstream market .

  5. 从两年前成为基金领域的大师级人物开始,对冲基金经理们现在担心自己会成为布鲁塞尔的傀儡。

    From being masters of the universe two years ago , hedge-fund managers now fear becoming servants of Brussels .

  6. 因此如何有效地度量和控制开放式基金的流动性风险,便成为基金管理者和投资者都非常关注的问题。

    Therefore how to measure and control the liquidity risk of open-ended fund is the focus of fund managers and investors .

  7. 投资者是基金市场产生与发展的基础,保护投资者利益应当成为基金立法的宗旨。

    The fund holders are the basis of the investment fund market , protecting them should be the purpose of the fund legislation .

  8. 基金的竞争优势在一定程度上来源于其运营效率,因而合理评价并提高运营效率成为基金管理的重要主题。

    Therefore , how to evaluate and improve the operational efficiency scientifically has been an important theme for the management in mutual fund .

  9. 正是由于赎回机制的制度创新,使得开放式基金最终超越封闭式基金而成为基金业的主流。

    It is just this redemption system that make open-ended fund stake the position of close-ended funds as the main stream of fund market .

  10. 开放式基金是我国基金行业发展的方向,服务将成为基金管理公司的核心竞争力。

    Open-end Fund is the development direction of our country 's fund industry , and the service will be the core competence of the fond management companies .

  11. 由于基金公司的运作理论和机制与一般公司有差异,基金公司股东大会行使的权力有限,并没有成为基金公司的权力机构。

    However , different from general corporate , the power that belonging to the shareholder meeting of corporate is limited , far away from the authority organization .

  12. 由于基金投资人和基金管理人之间的信息不对称以及资产的非流动性,事后解聘基金管理人会使投资人付出很高的成本。因此,事前治理成为基金治理的优先选择。

    Because the information asymmetry between the investors and managers and the non-liquidity , the investors must pay highly for firing fund managers , and the beforehand governance becomes the preference .

  13. 一个面向专业投资人士的主要行业协会表示,金融史应成为基金经理和理财顾问的必修课,以降低未来发生市场恐慌和崩盘的可能性。

    Fund managers and financial advisers should be forced to study financial history to reduce the likelihood of future market panics and crashes , according to a leading trade body for investment professionals .

  14. 这表明,VaR成为养老基金进行投资决策分析的有效工具。

    In conclusion , VaR is important for the analysis of decision-making for pension fund investment .

  15. 业内专家预测,伦敦有望成为养老基金面临的所谓“长寿风险”(longevityrisk)的全球交易中心,而这一新市场的规模可能十分庞大。

    London is set to become the centre of a potentially huge new global market in trading so-called " longevity " risk faced by pension funds , industry experts predict .

  16. 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。

    The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .

  17. 最后,以对ETF基金未来的发展作为结尾,指数化投资必将成为未来基金业发展的一个重要方向。

    Finally , by will take the ending to the ETF fund future development , the exponentiate investment will will certainly into a future investment funds industry development important direction .

  18. 随之,几天后,世上对八卦最为深恶痛绝的一位人士——雷?戴利奥(RayDalio)——从乔治?索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)手中抢走了桂冠,一举成为对冲基金界的王者。

    Then , a couple of days later , one of the world 's most rabid enemies of gossip , Ray Dalio , emerged as king of the hedgies , taking the crown from George Soros .

  19. 我们的身体没有必要要成为超级基金会场所。

    Your body doesn 't have to be a Superfund site .

  20. 我认为,这种方式将成为中国基金业发展的一种过渡方式。

    The open end fund is something new in china .

  21. 你让他成为慈善基金的理财人

    you appointed him treasurer of the foundation .

  22. 金融市场风险是证券投资基金面临的最大风险,加强市场风险的管理日益成为投资基金的核心竞争力。

    The greatest risk is faced to securities investment funds is financial market risk .

  23. 麦克唐纳相信,大宗商品永远不会成为养老基金的主流资产类别。

    Mr MacDonald believes commodities will never be a mainstream asset class for pension funds .

  24. 这样他们不需要担心自己成为小基金的主要客户。

    That way they need not worry about being the bulk of a small fund 's investor-base .

  25. 那么大宗商品最终会像股票与固定收益产品一样,成为养老基金的主要资产类别吗?

    So will commodities ever become a mainstream asset class for pension funds , like equities and fixed interest ?

  26. 随着华安创新基金的宣告成立,其作为第一只开放式基金成为中国基金业发展的又一个阶段性标志。

    Along with the first open-ended fund is established , Chinese fund industry has developed to a new stage .

  27. 开放式证券投资基金已成为国际基金业发展的主流和趋势,也是我国基金业未来的发展方向。

    Open-end fund has become the trend of developing international fund industry , which is China 's expectation as well .

  28. 凭借全亚洲最高的财富积累率,中国已成为对基金管理公司最有吸引力的亚洲市场。

    Within Asia , China is now the most attractive market for fund houses , with the highest wealth accumulation rate .

  29. “中国证券投资基金国际论坛”自举办以来,已成为中国基金业界最专业、最知名和最有影响力的论坛品牌。

    Since its inception , China Securities Investment Fund Forum International has been the most influential and professional forum in Chinese fund industry .

  30. 开放式基金已成为投资基金的主流形式,这是全球基金业的发展趋势。

    The open-ended fund has already become the major form of investment fund , and this is a development trend of the global fund industry .