
  1. 总之陈娘是戏剧史上不可多得一位戏曲家。

    In short Lang Chen is a rare . Their dramatic history .

  2. 吴藻是清代著名的诗人、词人和戏曲家。

    Wu Zao is the Qing Dynasty renowned poet , the excellent lyrics and the drama .

  3. 李渔是明清之际杰出的戏曲家、小说家、诗人、词人。

    Li Yu is a prominent opera house , novelist and poet during Ming to Qing dynasty .

  4. 本学位论文的研究对象蒋士铨为清中叶著名的文学家和戏曲家。

    Jiang shiquan , the study object of this thesis , is a famous literator and playwright in the middle of Qing dynasty .

  5. 清中叶,戏曲家的民族意识淡化,作品或者歌功颂德,或者宣扬封建伦理道德;

    In the middle period of Qing Dynasty , their national consciousness was weakened and their works sang the praises of sb and advocated the feudal ethics ;

  6. 李渔是明末清初著名的戏曲家和小说家,他的作品及理论对后世产生巨大影响。

    Li Yu is a famous dramatist and novelist during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties . His literary works and theory played an important role in the later ages .

  7. 摘要清初,常熟戏曲家表现出了强烈的民族意识,作品大都以政治、历史事件为题材,以年园、祛永仁为代表。

    At the beginning of Qing dynasty , Changshu playwrights represented by Qiu yuan and Ji Yongren expressed their strong national consciousness in their works themes of which were politics and historic events .

  8. 意境是中国古典诗词的重要的审美理论,中国古代的戏曲家和小说家们,由于往往本身就是诗人或词人,当他们进行艺术创作时,不可能不受到诗词创作特有的思维方式的影响。

    Because the ancient Chinese dramatists and novelists were poets at the same time , they were inevitably influenced by the special way of thinking , which appears in the process of poetic creation .

  9. 尤侗是清前期著名的文学家、戏曲家,他在诗、文、词、曲等多个领域均有成就。

    You Tong is a famous writer and dramatist in the early days of the Qing Dynasty . He has achieved remarkable success in various fields such as poetry , proses , ci and drama .

  10. 关汉卿作为元代剧坛最多产并且案头、场上兼擅的书会才人,是我国文学史上最伟大的戏曲家。

    As the dramatist writing the highest number of dramas as well as performing excellently both in writing and acting in Yuan Dynasty , Guan Hanqing is the greatest dramatist in the literature history of our country .

  11. 《红楼梦》中的戏曲迹象及清初家班研究

    The Signs of Opera in a Dream of Red Mansions and Research on Family Opera Troupe in the Begining of Qing Dynasty

  12. 叶沈家族的累世联姻则造就了中国戏曲史上第一位女戏曲家叶小纨。

    Ye Xiao-wan was the first woman writer in Chinese operas history .

  13. 论文第六章专题性评论了占据现存明清女性作家戏曲文本一半的多产女戏曲家刘清韵。

    In Chapter 6 , Commenting on the existing thematic essays occupy half of the most prolific female version of the Ming and Qing Dynasties female operatic dramatists Liu - Qingyun .

  14. 在中国古代文学史、戏曲史上,很少有清初戏曲家李渔这样复杂而毁誉天壤的人物。

    In the history of Chinese ancient literary and drama , few could compare with Li Yu , the dramatist of the early Qing dynasty for his complicated personality and the distinct appraises given .

  15. 家乐&明代戏曲特有的演出场所《红楼梦》中的戏曲迹象及清初家班研究

    Quan Le & the Special Acting Stage of Opera During Ming Dynasty ; The Signs of Opera in a Dream of Red Mansions and Research on Family Opera Troupe in the Begining of Qing Dynasty

  16. 在戏曲创作方法上,以诗文为戏曲创作手法的出现、骈俪典雅语言风格的追求、情节因素的弱化和舞台表演意识的淡化,也都是戏曲家立言意识影响下的结果。

    Traditional opera writers'ideology of expounding teachings in their writings to pursuit immortality produced great influences on traditional opera writing , which was mainly manifested by three facts .