
  • 网络Leisure Garden;Terrance;Le jardin du repos
  1. 名曰“憩园”的咖啡厅是您交友会客的极好去处。

    A coffee bar named Qiyuan is an ideal place for meeting friends .

  2. 徘徊在爱与死的夹缝中&论《憩园》中知识分子的双重困境

    On the Double Dilemmas of Love and Death for the Intellectuals in the Novel Leisure Garden

  3. 写于20世纪40年代的《憩园》,代表了巴金关于家庭问题的一种更具历史深度的思考。

    , written in the 40s of the 20th century , represents Ba Jin 's more profound historical reflection on family .

  4. 乐园·憩园·精神家园&鲁迅心中野草意象的深刻蕴含

    Paradise , Lounge and the Spiritual Homestead : the Deep Connotation of the Image of " Weeds " in Lu Xun 's Mind

  5. 从1941年底《还魂草》开始,从《火》第三部、《憩园》、《第四病室》至《寒夜》,我们似乎都能听到了契诃夫的叹息声。

    From the end of 1941 , " revive grass " beginning , " Fire " Part ⅲ, " Recreation Park ", " Fourth Ward " to " Cold Night ", we have heard the sighing Chekhov .