- Mr. Bean;Rowan Atkinson;The Ultimate Disaster Movie;Mr.Bean

Celebrity guests include Sir Elton John , David and Victoria Beckham and Rowan Atkinson .
But Hong Kong resident Jackie Rain wanted something even more eye-catching than his orange Audi TTS : a license plate that reads'MR BEAN . '
Meanwhile , the image of Mr. Bean has also been used in funny stickers on social media , such as Weibo and QQ . Hustle
Rowan Atkinson , the British actor who created the humorous character , is quite a star among Chinese audiences .
Mr. Bean first blundered on to television in an ITV series .
The movie Mr Bean is a very successful comedy .
Now he is back in a new movie called Mr Bean 's Holiday .
Just watch Mr. Bean 's birthday episode .
On Negotiated Listener Meaning as Reflected in the British Comedy Series the Thin Blue Line ;
Walton : Miss Hutchinson , would you send Mr Bean up to the boardroom , please .
He 's has been compared to both Joseph Stalin and the hapless comedy character Mr Bean .
Rather oddly , middle age suits Mr. Bean more in many ways than youth , he said .
Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson is to become a dad again - at the age of 62 .
All the language data for analysis are transcribed from the British comedy series The Thin Blue Line .
The Mr. Bean series has been a global craze for years and China is not an exception .
Although he is British and the stories generally take place in British settings , Mr Bean is really nation-less .
Finally , in 1990 , Mr. Bean made its premiere as a half-hour special that included the church sketch .
Mr Bean goes to a swimming pool , and tries out the high diving board , but gets scared .
On Iquiyi alone , the 26 episodes of the 2002 Mr. Bean animated series received 3390 million viewing times .
He was worried that it would be uncomfortable even sad to watch a middle-aged man playing the eternally childlike Mr. Bean .
But moviegoers will have to wait until the release to find out how much screen space he has in the film .
The creative yet daily-life plots and his unique British personality make Mr. Bean one of the most successful British TV characters .
Mr. Bean and the animated series are available on many video websites in China , such as Youku , Tudou , Iqiyi and Letv .
The two films , Bean : The Ultimate Disaster Movie in 1997 and Mr. Bean 's Holiday four year ago , earned 305 million worldwide .
However , if you think this is just for the girls , wait until you gift your lover a huge teddy bear that Mr. Bean likes .
People laugh and enjoy Mr. Bean but I get motivated by him . He enjoyes his own company so much that it gives me a life lesson .
Pregnant Louise was seen shopping in North London last week ... sporting one of bungling Mr Bean 's proudest bumps so far . Rowan 's spokesman declined to comment .
After being seated at his table , Mr Bean takes out a card , writes a few words on it , seals it in an envelope and places it on the table .
Rowan Atkinson , who is globally famous as Mr Bean from the British sitcom by the same title , will soon be seen in the Chinese film Top Funny Comedian The Movie .
The Queen and an actor playing James Bond gave the London Olympics a royal entrance like no other on Friday in an opening ceremony that rocked to the tunes of the Beatles , the Rolling Stones and the Who . Soccer sttar David Beckham and comedian Rowan Atkinson , who plays Mr Bean , also participated in the show .