
  • 网络Sensationalism;Sensationism;Sensualismus
  1. 以保尔·穆杭为代表的都市文学虽然在表现手法上有印象主义和感觉主义的倾向,但与日本新感觉派在本质上是不同的。

    Although Paul Muque , the master of the City Literature , exhibits traces of impressionism and sensationalism in his writing style , he differs from the Japanese New Sensational School in nature .

  2. 正在消失的感觉主义者&作为肺结核患者的约翰·济慈

    The Vanishing Sensualist : Or John Keats as a Pulmonary TB Patient

  3. 在穆时英的新感觉主义小说中,时间既是作品的一个结构方法,又是作品的一个主题。

    On the neo-perceptionalist novels by Mu Shiying , time is not only the way of novels structure , but also the theme of novels .

  4. 谭嗣同由于相对主义的思维方式和强调感官的局限而陷入不可知论,严复则由于感觉主义和推崇经验、实证而走向不可知论。

    Tan Si-tong had fallen into agnosticism as a result of the relativism and emphasizing limitations of sense . However , Yan Fu had made for it because the experiences were taken into account .

  5. DickArmey,一位前议会多数派领导人,指责他“感觉良好的保守主义”,与带来“情感上的满足”而非实际结果的政策。

    Dick Armey , a former House majority leader , accuses him of " feel-good conservatism ", with policies that provide " emotional gratification " rather than results .

  6. 新感觉派作为现代主义文学的一支,在认识论上既反对概念的推演又反对刻板的描摹,抛弃了理性至上的科学主义认知的弊端。

    Neo-sensationalism takes the modernism literature , both the contrary concept deduces in the epistemology and opposed that the mechanical description , has abandoned the rational supreme scientific principle cognition malpractice .