
gǎn rè
  • sensible heat
感热[gǎn rè]
  1. 南、北经向感热输送的汇合线(即零值线)大致沿30°N纬度。

    The confluent line of southward and northward meridional sensible heat transfer ( the zero value line ) runs approximately along the latitude of 30 ° N.

  2. 考虑CO2浓度倍增后大气对海洋的感热作用使海表温度上升,所得结果基本相同,但升温幅度增大。

    On the other hand , if the rise of SST caused by the sensible heat of the atmosphere due to the CO2 doubling were included , the results would be basically as identical , except a bigger amount of the temperature increase and a temperature drop in Northeast China .

  3. 风向对LAS和EC观测感热通量值有显著影响。

    Wind direction has a significant effect on sensible heat flux by LAS and EC .

  4. 潜热和感热通量能使SST的下降的最大值为3℃。

    And latent heat and sensible heat fluxes could make the SST decrease 3 ℃ .

  5. 在此基础上,利用LAS的观测结果对丘陵地区地表感热通量的变化特征进行了分析研究,首次揭示了四川盆地丘陵地区地气相互作用的一些新事实。

    Furthermore , the characteristics of ground surface sensible flux change is analyzed according to the LAS data .

  6. 下垫面不均匀性对LAS和EC的感热通量差异影响显著。

    Which indicates that : the inhomogeneity of underlying surface has a significant influence on difference of sensible heat flux by LAS and EC .

  7. 雨天状况下,各种植被间标量粗糙度的差异减小了。计算的地表温度、感热通量、潜热通量较原BATS的更为合理。

    The calculated land surface temperature , sensible heat flux andlatent heat flux is more reasonable than those in unchanged BATS .

  8. 拟合得到最适稳定度普适函数fTGuyuan,并通过比较不同方法得到的感热通量,证实fTGuyuan函数是合理可靠的。

    The function fT_Guyuan was proved to be reasonable and reliable by comparing different calculation methods for sensible heat flux .

  9. 对于东海而言,风速、降雨、海-气温差和SST变化与感热通量都有较好的相关性。

    As for East China Sea , wind speed , precipitation , difference in air-sea temperature and SST change depicts fairly good agreement with the sensible heat flux .

  10. NEP区和NWP区夏季的海气温差、感热通量、潜热通量有明显的差异。

    There are distinct differences of air-sea temperature difference , latent heat and sensible heat flux between NEP and NWP .

  11. 首先利用空气动力学法,计算分析了敦煌戈壁2000年9月&2001年9月的感热交换系数Ch的特征,计算得到Ch的年平均值为0.00203±0.00045。

    At first , the transfer coefficients ( C_h ) of sensible heat from September 1,2000 to September 30,2001 over the Dunhuang Gobi were computed and analyzed by aerodynamic method .

  12. 春季南海海面潜热通量和感热通量与短波辐射和风应力相比较,是一个对SST影响较小的量。

    Compared with solar short wave radiation and wind stress , the latent heat and sensible heat flux are a minor factor in controlling the variable of the SST in spring .

  13. 密云站LAS观测得到的感热通量与涡动相关的相比,日变化特征更加平滑,且空间代表性更大。

    It was also found that the sensible heat flux diurnal variation obtained by LAS in Miyun Station was smoother and with greater spatial representation when it compared to EC measurements .

  14. 但8月份的潜热通量大,平均最大约为120W·m-2,当有降水发生时,潜热通量可达570W·m-2,与感热通量相当。

    But latent heat flux can be up to 570 W · m - 2 , when precipitation occuring .

  15. 利用SiB模式计算了地表辐射。感热、潜热通量,并且预报地表温度。

    In the SiB model , we calculated the radiation , sensible heat , latent heat flux and the daily variation of temperature at the surface .

  16. 植被LAI的异常变化主要影响太阳辐射在植被与地表之间的分配,以及地表的感热、潜热通量。

    The anomalous change in LAI alters the partitioning of the solar radiation reaching at ground surface between vegetation and soil surface , as well as the sensible and latent heat fluxes of ground surface .

  17. 中性条件感热交换系数和潜热交换系数(CHn,CEn)对天气变化的反应不够敏感。

    And the sensible ( C_ ( Hn )) and latent ( C_ ( En )) heat exchange coefficients were not sensible to the synoptic change .

  18. EC观测的感热通量和潜热通量都与模式模拟结果存在很大的差异,LAS缩小了这种误差,改进了地表能量平衡。

    There is a great difference between both sensible heat flux and latent heat flux observed by EC and which simulated by model , while the observation of LAS reduced the fault bit , which improved the Surface energy balance .

  19. 在高分辨率边界PBL参数化方案下设计5组试验方案,对几个个例风场进行模拟检验:控制试验、无感热试验、无潜热试验、无感热无潜热试验、无地形试验。

    With highest respective boundary PBL parameter scheme , we devise five test projects : control experiment and sensitive experiments without sensible heat flux , without latent heat flux , without sensible and latent heat flux , without terrain .

  20. 指出了青藏高原感热驱动气泵(SHAP)在调制东亚季风及全球气候中的重要作用;

    The importance of the Sensible Heat driven Air Pump ( SHAP ) over the Qinghai Xizang Plateau in regulating the East Asian monsoons and global climate is emphasized .

  21. 根据干燥裸露地表的稳态热平衡方程,考虑到地表的感热交换和天空热辐射的作用,用Monte-Carlo方法分析了风场下地表发射率空间起伏对裸露地表红外辐射统计特性的影响。

    The influence of variation of bare ground terrain emissivity on its infrared radiance statistics under wind conditions is analyzed by Monte-Carlo simulation . The radiance is governed by the heat balance equation in which the sensible heat exchange and sky thermal radiation are under consideration .

  22. 净辐谢Rn是感热通量的主要驱动因子,HLAs-HEC在生长季的值大于非生长季的值,并与Rn成正相关。

    Net radiation Rn is the main driving factor to sensible heat flux . The value of HLAS-HEC in the growing season is greater than the value in the non-growing season and positively correlated with Rn .

  23. 研究发现,青藏高原感热气泵(SHAP)的有效工作导致了青藏高原地区由冬到夏大气环流的突变及南亚高压的突然北跳,并维持着亚洲季风期;

    It is found that the availability of sensitive heat pump ( SHAP ) induces the abrupt air circulation from winter to summer and the South Asian High jump to the north , and maintains the period of the monsoon .

  24. 利用COADS资料,首先计算了1949-1979年逐月北太平洋洋面的潜热通量与感热通量之和,并进行EOF分解,然后分析它们的时空变化特征。

    The COADS data are used to estimate the sum of monthly latent and sensible heat fluxes ( simplified as head flux hereafter ) over the sea surface in the North Pacific from 1949 to 1979 . Then their time and space variations are analyzed using the EOF method .

  25. 积分3个月后,由地下进入地表的热流量增幅可达1W/m2以上,并持续增大到5W/m2,地表最大升温约0.5K,同时地表感热、蒸发潜热及长波辐射通量均有1W/m2左右的正异常;

    The flux keeps increasing until reaches 5 W / m2 . A maximum anomaly of 0.5 K is found in ground temperature . Correspondingly , there are positive anomalies of around 1 W / m2 in surface sensible , latent and outgoing long-wave radiation fluxes .

  26. 根据1963~1992年嵊山海洋站2月海气感热输送和22a太阳磁周期与降水的关系,提出了一个长江中下游6月降水的综合预报指标。

    Based on the relations of the air-sea sensible heat flux around Chengshan station in East China Sea in February and the 22 year magnetic period of the solar spots with the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River in June , a prediction index was proposed .

  27. 而中尺度感热通量的强弱受多种因素的制约。

    The mesoscale sensible heat flux is influenced by many facts .

  28. 海-气感热输送在冷流降雪形成中的作用

    The role of sea air sensible heat transportation in cold flow snowfall

  29. 区域平均感热通量与蒸散量相比在此期间变化并不明显。

    The sensible heat fluxes show no obvious variation in this period .

  30. 四川省冬季感热温度分布与所需服装量

    Winter Heat - Feeling Temperature Distribution and Required Colthes in Sichuan Province