
  • 网络callus inducing
  1. 以石刁柏嫩茎为材料,研究了2,4-D对其初始愈伤组织诱导和胚性愈伤组织发生的影响。

    We studied effect of 2,4-D on initial callus inducing and embryogenic callus occurring from Asparagus tender stem culture .

  2. 结果表明以PVP水溶液浸泡外植体,可使平均褐化率由43.1%减低到22.4%,愈伤组织诱导率由61.04%提高到71.25%;

    The results showed that ratios of explant browning were decreased from 43.1 % to 22.4 % , and the ratios of callus inducing were raised from 61.04 % to 71.25 % .

  3. 不同基本培养基对籼稻粤泰A与粤泰B成熟胚愈伤组织诱导及继代的影响

    Effects of Different Basic Substrate on Callus Inducing and Successive Transfer Culture for Indica Rice Yue-Tai A and Yue-Tai B

  4. 以金叶日本冬青新梢茎段为外植体,探讨不同部位新梢、不同激素组合、糖源以及培养基pH值对其愈伤组织诱导及分化的影响。

    In this experiment the effect of hormone combination , sugar source and pH on callus induction and differentiation was investigated .

  5. LS、MS培养基剑麻愈伤组织诱导率高、继代培养生长效果好;

    In LS and MS mediums callus inducing rates were high and growth were good .

  6. 试验材料对不同基本培养基具有选择性,NM培养基对水稻种胚愈伤组织诱导有较好的适应性;

    Basic media were selected in mature embryo culture . NM medium was adaptable better to callus induction .

  7. 方法:在不同条件下采用组织培养技术,进行贯叶金丝桃的愈伤组织诱导研究,用HPLC方法确定其中含有的金丝桃素。

    Method : The callus was induced in different culture conditions , and active constituents were determined by HPLC .

  8. 烷化剂EMS处理水稻愈伤组织诱导突变的方法初探

    Study on the Method of Mutant Induced by EMS Treating Rice Somatic Callus

  9. 玉米叶片胚性愈伤组织诱导及其与内源IAA和ABA关系的初步研究

    Embryogenic Callus Induction of Maize Leaves and Related to Endogenous IAA and ABA

  10. PP(333)对马铃薯试管叶片与茎段愈伤组织诱导与分化的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ) on Callus Induction and Differentiation from Leaves and Stems of Potato in vitro

  11. B5培养基较MS培养基有利于愈伤组织诱导。

    B5 basal medium was more effective in inducing callus than MS basal medium .

  12. 苜蓿愈伤组织诱导及GUS基因瞬时表达

    Inducing of Alfalfa calli and transient expression of GUS gene in Calli

  13. 2,4-D浓度是影响愈伤组织诱导率的最主要因素。

    2,4-D is the most effect factor to the callus induction .

  14. 内源GA3和JA含量则在整个愈伤组织诱导过程中迅速下降。

    Endogenous GA3 and JA content decreased during the whole induction culture .

  15. 发现在烟草叶片外植体愈伤组织诱导过程中,盆栽实生苗和组培继代苗的培养基的初始pH值低于正常细胞内的pH值,说明进行诱导培养的外植体细胞生长于酸性条件下。

    In this study the both pH value of culture medium was lower than normal leaf intracellular , indicating leaf explants callus tissue was induced under the acid condition .

  16. 方法以高羊茅(Fes-tuca.arundinacea)成熟种子为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,进行高羊茅胚性愈伤组织诱导、继代、分化及生根培养。

    Methods Use mature seeds of fescue arundinacea and MS medium were respectively as explants and basical medium to perfume embryonic callus induction , subculture , differentiation and rooting medium .

  17. 2,4-D和6-BA对籼稻成熟胚愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的影响

    Effects of 2,4-D and 6-BA on Callus Initiation and Plantlet Regeneration from Mature Embryos of Indica Rice

  18. 结果表明:NMB培养基适合水稻成熟胚盾片愈伤组织诱导,MS培养基适合愈伤分化;

    The results showed as following : NMB was suitable for the callus induction , and MS for differentiation .

  19. 随着培养基中NaCl浓度的增大,愈伤组织诱导率、愈伤组织相对增长量、愈伤组织存活率、再生率均显著下降。

    The presence of NaCl clearly decreased the frequency of callus formation , relative growth rate of callus , survival rate of callus and regenerated rate of callus .

  20. 欧当归LevisticumofficinaleKoch愈伤组织诱导及小植株通过胚状体途径的再生

    In Vitro Callus Induction And Plantlet Regeneration Of Levisticum Officinale Koch Through Embryoid Pathway

  21. TDZ对香椿愈伤组织诱导及芽增殖生长等的影响

    Effect of TDZ on callus inducement and shoot growth in tissue culture of Toona sinensis

  22. EMS处理子叶后愈伤组织诱导率和植株再生率下降,并随着EMS浓度的升高和诱变时间的延长呈递减趋势。

    When EMS was applied to cotyledons , the rate of induced calli and regenerated plants decreased with increasing of the mutagen concentrations and prolonging of the treatment time .

  23. 通过对黄瓜子叶组织培养,研究了黄瓜子叶外植体龄对愈伤组织诱导的影响及体内可溶性蛋白含量,CAT,POD,SOD几个生理指标的变化及其与愈伤组织诱导的关系。

    Some research about tissue culture of cucumber on the relation of explant age and callus inducement has been investigated . Changes in protein content and activity of SOD , CAT , POD were analyzed .

  24. 非洲菊深圳5号(S5)花色鲜艳,但组培中的愈伤组织诱导和植株再生系统的建立比较困难。

    Shenzhen 5 ( S5 ) is one of the varieties which are difficult to establish callus induction and regeneration systems .

  25. S-3307对水稻花药愈伤组织诱导、分化及其壮苗的效应

    Effects of S-3307 on the Induction and Differentiation of Calli and the Growth of Plantlets in Rice Anther Culture

  26. 在2,4-D为1.0mg/L和1.5mg/L时的培养基上胚性愈伤组织诱导率较高,分别为51.0%和56.7%;

    The embryogenic callus ( EC ) frequency was 51.0 % and 56.7 % at 1.0 and 1.5 mg / Lof 2,4-D added in MS medium , respectively .

  27. 以无菌苗的下胚轴和子叶为外植体,在18个不同浓度6BA,2,4-D,NAA和KT组合的MS培养基上进行愈伤组织诱导、不定芽分化和增殖及生根的培养。

    Cotyledon and hypocotyledonary axis were used as explants to induce calli and differentiate shoots and roots in the MS medium containing 18 different concentrations of 6-BA , 2,4-D , NAA , and KT .

  28. 培养于附加2,4-D、BA和KT的愈伤组织诱导培养基上的火炬松成熟合子胚在培养3-9周后形成白色、半透明、有光泽的粘性愈伤组织。

    White , translucent , glossy mucilaginous callus was initiated from the mature zygotic embryos explants on callus induction medium with 2,4-D , BA , and kinetin in the 3-9th week of culture .

  29. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)中SOD4在愈伤组织诱导第12d消失,是愈伤组织快速增殖的标志;

    Among the superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), SOD_4 disappeared on the 12 ~ ( th ) day of callus induction , it is also a sign of the fast increase of callus ;

  30. 蛋白质合成在稻胚吸涨30min即已开始,而RNA的大量合成则开始于吸涨7~8h;水稻种子吸涨时渗漏的变化及其与愈伤组织诱导的关系

    It was found that protein synthesis was initiated 30 min after imbibition and considerable transcription of RNAs began after 7 or 8 hours of imbibition . Leakage from Rice Seeds during Imbibition