- 名imaginative joinder of offences

The imaginative joinder of offences is an important criminal pattern in criminal theory and it is also a common criminal pattern in the legal practice .
In the theory of criminal law , the imaginative joinder of offences , as an important crime form , has attracted the attention of scholars home and abroad all long .
Reconstruction of the Principle of Punishment for Imaginative Jointer of Offenses
The essence of the imaginative joinder offenses is one crime .
Analysis on the Structural Features of Imagined Joint Offence
The Essence of Action and Principle of Punishment in Imaginative Jointer of Offenses
Attention to Several Key Words on Defining the Concept of Imaginative Coincidental Offenses
On Punishment and Application about Imaginative Joinder of Offenses
Study on Relationship between Principle of Prohibition Repeatable Evaluations and Imaginative Joinder Offenses
Research on the Legal Nature , Constitution and Punishment of Imaginative Jointer of Offenses
Grasping the theory of the imaginative joinder of offenses is significant to the judicial practice .
The second chapter focuses on the legal nature and constitution of imaginative jointer of offenses .
The author thinks that the transforming offense is one of the non-typical of crime in number .
The other necessary element of imaginative joinder of offences is that the action conforms to several crimes .
To raise funds to defraud a crime and one crime-several crimes identified through analysis Implicated and Imaginative Joinder .
From the angle of the principle of prohibition repeatable evaluation , the essence of imaginative joiner offences is one offence in substance .
Imaginative jointer is another big problem plagued the criminal law field research on the Imaginative Jointer became academic research , a hot topic .
First , the author gives a new interpretation and definition of imaginative joinder of offenses on the basis of the introduction of theoretical study .
In the process of judicial practice , it exists a problem of the imaginative jointer of offences between the crime of theft and other crimes .
Jointer of offense is a difficult problem in theory and practice of criminology , and imaginative jointer of offenses causes more disputes for its unique structure .
However , as the study continuously goes deep , the scholars find that the theory of imaginative joinder of offences has come to a blind alley .
Imaginative jointer made in theory , common crime , there was greater space , the lack of theory , making the time to solve practical problems inevitably inadequate .
As one common form of crimes in the judicial practice , the imaginative joinder of offenses has been recognized and widely used both in legislation and the judicial practice .
Imaginative joiner offenses share both the characteristics of one crime and those of plural crimes . There are various legislative and theoretical arguments in comprehending and defining its punishment principles .
On the above two conditions of concurrence , the perpetrator should be charged and punished by the commited accusation by means acts which can independently constituting a crime and insurance fraud .
But domestic and foreign research articles Imaginative Jointer common crime is extremely rare , extremely rare , even with several articles , only a broad and rough , much less depth .
Classified according to the division co-perpetrators commit into organizations to help , abettors and Perpetrator , because of its behavior in different ways , the situation is not the same composition Imaginative Jointer .
According to the principle of suiting punishment to crime , one-crime-one-punishment and plural - crime-plural-punishment , it should be punished with all the crimes charged under the principle of joinder of punishment for plural crimes .
The general theory maintains that imaginative joinder offenses is one crime in legal nature , and should be sentenced on the basis of the most serious crime , but this theory leads to difficult position of practice .
The results of imaginative joinder of offenses either homogeneous results can also be a heterogeneous results . " The behavior " of imaginative joinder is an act of natural significance , the number of acts of legal significance .