
  1. 就好像瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在《情归阿拉巴马》那样。

    like it was for Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama .

  2. 李锦标又将情归何处?

    How about Lee Sir s love ?

  3. 新泽西,杰克逊纪念馆盖过了情归新泽西的名号。

    New Jersey , the Jackson Memorial High Jaguars put the Garden State on today 's mat .

  4. 大声唱一首情归阿拉巴马。或者找其他方式让自己冷静下来。

    Sing Sweet Home Alabama really loud to yourself . Or find some other way to calm yo'self .

  5. 更高的票价使得《精灵旅社》打破《情归阿拉巴马》保持了十年的纪录。

    Higher ticket prices helped " Hotel Transylvania " top " Sweet Home Alabama " which had held the record for ten years .