
dào cí
  • eulogy;memorial speech;lament
悼词 [dào cí]
  • [memorial speech] 哀悼死者的话或文章

悼词[dào cí]
  1. 全世界的领导人都致悼词称颂那位埃及总统。

    Leaders from around the world eulogized the Egyptian president .

  2. 英国锰铜的一些客户为它发出了“悼词”,很多出现在twitter上,赞誉中也夹杂着些许怨怒,源自其多年来的糟糕服务和质量问题。

    Eulogies for the company by its customers , some of them aired via Twitter , have been tinged with resentment caused by years of poor service and quality problems .

  3. “杀毒软件已死!”,就在一周前,赛门铁克公司(Symantec)信息安全部高级副总裁布莱恩o代伊在接受《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)采访时发表了这番简短的悼词。

    Just over a week ago , Symantec 's ( SYMC ) senior vice president of information security Brian Dye delivered a concise eulogy for anti-virus software . It " is dead , " he told theWall Street Journal .

  4. 南非总统祖马在反种族隔离积极分子AlbertinaSisulu的葬礼上发表悼词,称她是一位“国民英雄”。

    South Africa 's President Jacob Zuma has delivered a eulogy at the funeral of the anti-apartheid activist , Albertina Sisulu , calling her a " national heroine " .

  5. Dosa医生说,就算知道了事情的重要性,病人们的家人和朋友也并没有害怕奥斯卡的出现。奥斯卡给他们带来了安慰,有时他们还会在报上的讣告和悼词中表扬它。

    Far from recoiling from Oscar 's presence , now they know its significance , relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies , said Dr Dosa .

  6. 就略过悼词那部分吧

    So let 's just skip the eulogies , shall we ?

  7. 乔会发表一篇悼词,然后我们就可以离开了。

    Joe will deliver the eulogy and then we can leave .

  8. 我还要感谢舰长的美妙的悼词。

    And I want to thank the captain for his beautiful eulogy .

  9. 你知道我把你的悼词形容为非常出色?

    You know how I mentioned it was extremely beautiful ?

  10. 在网上发表悼词?

    That people are gonna post condolences on a website ?

  11. 风格悲哀的诗;死者的悼词。

    A mournful poem ; a lament for the dead .

  12. 我,也不需要,你的虚伪悼词。

    I do not need to , you hypocritical eulogy .

  13. 而是我来做这个见鬼的悼词。

    It 's about me giving this damn eulogy .

  14. 一种方法是考虑你的悼词。

    One way is to think about your eulogy .

  15. 他想让你念葬礼悼词。

    He wants you to deliver his eulogy .

  16. 和神职人员的悼词。

    and words of comfort by the clergy .

  17. 你会把那个写进悼词里吗

    You gonna put that in your eulogy ?

  18. 不过还好,他们后来和解了,沙尼特去世后,维尔伯·莱特还在沙尼特的葬礼上致悼词了呢。

    Happily , they later reconciled enough that Wilbur Wright delivered Chanute 's eulogy .

  19. 对于肯尼迪总统的离世甚至没有纪念演说或悼词可以缅怀这位总统。

    No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy 's memory .

  20. 他不要人在葬礼上宣读悼词。

    He asked for no funeral oration .

  21. 2004年6月11日在美国前总统里根的葬礼上所致的悼词。

    Eulogy at the funeral of former President Ronald Reagan , June 11 , 2004 .

  22. 他将为葬礼发表悼词。

    He will deliver today 's eulogy .

  23. 你父母的悼词

    A eulogy for your parents .

  24. 但这样的悼词哪有震撼力,是不是

    But that doesn 't make for a very powerful eulogy , now , does it ?

  25. 能由你来致悼词吗

    would you give the eulogy ?

  26. 当我今晨再看时,它们就像是称颂自己的悼词。

    As I read them over this morning , they sound so much like my own eulogy .

  27. 这是伯里克利斯在那场著名葬礼中,向其听众夸耀的悼词,由修西地底斯记录下来。

    This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides .

  28. 而且我也需要拟一份悼词,以防我明天会被邀请致词。

    And I also need to prepare a eulogy in case I 'm asked to speak tomorrow .

  29. 写一篇热烈,难以置信,你愿意于你的葬礼中被大声朗读的悼词。

    Write a glowing , incredible eulogy you would like to have read aloud at your funeral .

  30. 古斯过世了,我要念葬礼悼词,所以请不要破坏婚礼。

    Gus is dead and I gotta give the eulogy , so please don 't ruin the funeral .