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  • throb with terror;palpitate
  • 因害怕而自觉心跳:惊~。~栗(心惊肉跳)。~动。心有余~。


[书] (因害怕而心跳得厉害) (of the heart) throb with terror; palpitate:

  • 惊悸

    palpitate with terror;

  • 心有余悸

    have a lingering fear

  1. 她的头开始颤悸,肩膀开始作痛。

    Her head was beginning to throb , her shoulders to ache .

  2. 目的:优选悸平胶囊人参乙醇提取工艺。

    To optimize the alcohol extraction process of Panax Ginseng of XLT capsule .

  3. 悸平胶囊人参醇提工艺研究

    Studies on Alcohol Extracting Process of XLT Capsule

  4. 用脑过度也会引起头晕、心慌、收悸等症状。

    Excessive use of the brain causes dizziness , palpitation , contractional palpitations and other symptoms .

  5. 第二、悸论。

    Second , Paradox .

  6. 对照组治疗原发病基础上口服倍他乐克抗心律失常,治疗组在对照组用药的基础上加服扶阳定悸汤治疗。

    The controlled group was treated with the metoprolol drug . The treatment group was based on medication plus Fu Yang Ding Ji Decoction on .

  7. 今晚棕榈叶子沙沙作响,满月的柔色洒在海面波浪上,像世界的心脉在悸跳。

    Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves , a swell in the sea , Full Moon , like the heart throb of the world .

  8. 忽魂悸以魄动,怳惊起而长嗟。当上刺刀的口令传来时,他就变得失魂落魄。

    " I move , my soul goes flying , I wake with a long sigh ," When the inevitable order came to " Fix bayonets ", he was undone .

  9. 《春悸》不仅具有宏伟的长篇纪实结构和多元的文体特征,而且它还具有明白晓畅、幽默诙谐的语言风格。

    The poem The Palpitation in the Spring does not only have the multi-stylistic characteristics of long documentaries , but also has a linguistic feature of using transpicuous and humorous language .

  10. 每逢有人提及这起谋杀案,他就心为之悸,因为他那不安的良心和极度的恐惧几乎使他相信,人家是故意说给他听,探探他的“口风”;

    Every reference to the murder sent a shudder to his heart , for his troubled conscience and fears almost persuaded him that these remarks were put forth in his hearing as " feelers ";

  11. 清教徒的法庭对她极其狡狯地安排下的惩罚,时刻不停地以种种方式使她感到永无休止的悸痛。

    Continually , and in a thousand other ways , did she feel the innumerable throbs of anguish that had been so cunningly contrived for her by the undying , the ever-active sentence of the Puritan tribunal .

  12. 她日复一日地心怀悸惧地观察着孩子逐渐成长的天性,唯恐发现什么阴郁狂野的特征,与带来孩子生命的罪孽相应。

    Day after day , she looked fearfully into the child 's expanding nature ; ever dreading to detect some dark and wild peculiarity , that should correspond with the guiltiness to which she owed her being .

  13. 共收治病人80例,随机分为两组,每组40例,对照组应用参松养心胶囊,治疗组应用镇悸汤。

    Altogether the admitting patient 80 examples , stochastically divide into two groups , each group of 40 examples , the control group applies the senate pine spiritual cultivation capsule , the treatment group palpitates the soup using the town .

  14. 据此在李春华教授指导下制定益气养阴活血,镇悸安神之法,运用其经验方镇悸汤。

    According to the above under the instruction formulates the profit gas in Professor Li Chun Hua to raise the cloudy blood circulation , the town palpitates calms the nerves the law , utilizes it to palpitate the soup after the proven prescription town .

  15. 《肘后备急方》提出虚悸学术观点,即因虚损引起惊悸,精神因素也可导致惊悸。三是宋金元时期诊治惊悸怔忡病证临证实践与理论创新。

    Elbow Emergencies virtual throbbing academic point of view , due to the deficiency caused by fright , and spiritual factors can also lead to fright . Third , Song , Jin and Yuan period of diagnosis and treatment of palpitation , palpitation Syndrome Clinical practice and theoretical innovation .

  16. 心悸病证名称仍然延续《金匮要略》惊悸之名,同时出现有忪悸、惊证、怔忡等称谓,如陈无择关于惊悸与忪悸二证不同以示病情轻重区别。

    Palpitation card name still continues in the name of the " Golden Chamber " fright , and appear agitated palpitations , panic card , palpitation title selection on the " fright with the agitated palpitate two card " to show the severity of distinction , such as Chen .