
bēi fèn
  • grief and indignation;lament and resent;sad and angered
悲愤 [bēi fèn]
  • [grief and indignation] 悲痛愤怒

  • 悲愤填膺

悲愤[bēi fèn]
  1. 他感到心中充满悲愤。

    His heart was filled with grief and indignation .

  2. 其次是他的悲愤,包括英雄失路的悲情和贫民生活的悲惨。

    Second , his grief and indignation , including a hero 's desolation and poverty .

  3. 我的反应是悲愤交加。

    I had reacted in a fury of grief

  4. 克丽丝悲愤交加,失声痛哭。

    Chris was weeping in anger and grief

  5. 我感到无比悲愤。

    I felt so desolate and so angry .

  6. 悲愤之下,曹植急中生智,作出七步诗,是的意思就是“本来就是亲兄弟,为什么要这样步步紧逼,伤及感情?”

    Greatly saddened , Tsau Jr began to walk and to think . Before he had taken the seven steps , he had already finished his poem , the meaning of which was : " Brothers are of the same family , so why should the oppress each other ? "

  7. 他在悲愤中甚至痛骂他的朋友们。

    In his distress , he even raved against his friends .

  8. 悲愤的亲友们参与搜寻新年爆炸中的受害者。

    Distraught relatives search for victims of the New Year 's bombing .

  9. 并化悲愤为学习、组织和联合时,

    and we channel our frustrations into studying and organizing and banding together

  10. 那位陌生人走过去了,可是他的赤裸裸的悲愤目光依然存在。

    The stranger passed , but the raw glare of his grief remained .

  11. 尽管他在纽约表现得坚毅而悲愤,但答案也许是否定的。

    Despite the set jaw and aggrieved tone in New York , probably not .

  12. 这永远汹涌着我们的悲愤的河流,

    Of this river turbulent with our grief ,

  13. 他悲愤交加,心痛不已。

    His heart ached with anger and sorrow .

  14. 我想当他们回顾那段历史时只会是难以言表的悲愤

    I think for them to look back on that was just unspeakably sad .

  15. 他悲愤交加地注视着消防队员和警察&法西斯资本主义的盲目的愚味无知的奴隶。

    He watched the firemen and police-blind , ignorant slaves of fascist capitalism-with bitterness-and anger .

  16. 今天是个极度悲愤的日子,心情随着天气摇摆不定;

    Today is a day of extreme grief , the wavering mood with the weather ;

  17. 当他看到非洲饥民的画面时,他悲愤交加。

    He became sad and angry when he saw pictures of hungry people in Africa .

  18. 但是后来,因我父亲去世而带来的悲愤和痛沮开始加剧。

    But then the anger and the depression about my father 's death set in .

  19. 卡斯拉泽悲愤地看着这一切。

    Goderdzi Kasradze looks on in dismay .

  20. 我不掩饰我内心的苦涩,也不虚张我的悲愤。

    Neither will I hide my bitter feelings nor will I exaggerate my grief and indignation .

  21. 接到丈夫逝世的消息,她悲愤得疯了似的。

    At the news of her husband 's death she took on like a mad woman .

  22. 过于悲愤最终也可能转化成暴力&不过,在多数情况下,会以冷漠的形式表现出来。

    Even extreme grief may ultimately vent itself in violence-but more generally takes the form of apathy .

  23. 1968年4月4日,马丁·路德·金博士遇刺身亡,这让我悲愤交加。

    Dr. King 's assassination on April 4 , 1968 , filled me with grief and rage .

  24. 以女性眼光看待忧患与生命&从蔡琰的五言《悲愤诗》谈起

    Sorrow and Life in the Mind 's Eye of a Woman-Cai yan and her Five-character Poems of Sorrow

  25. 许多年轻人就这样告别爱人,悲愤地走向战场。

    In this way many young people bid farewell to love , grief and indignation towards the battlefield .

  26. 国王悲愤交集,半晌说不出话来。

    For a moment the King 's grief and anger were so great that he could not speak .

  27. 悲愤是由于他受到的英雄式的欢迎变成了对散乱和欺凌漠不关心的过时的形象。

    Bitterness because his hero 's welcome had turned into indifference to this dishevelled , hectoring , old-fashioned figure .

  28. 全国几百万民众悲愤不已,要求加强对女性的保护。

    It came amid an outpouring of anger and grief by millions across the country demanding greater protection for women .

  29. 她接受电视专访时,悲愤交集痛斥陈冠希“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”,“睁大眼睛说慌!”

    Her television interview , Edison Chen denounced intersection anger " shedding crocodile tears hyprocritical "," eyes wide open Say fear !"

  30. 而自卑与屈辱的交织,痛苦与悲愤的相融,便形成了浓厚的悲剧意识。

    The self-humiliation interweaving with disgraceful situation and the integrating of agony with grief and indignation , form his strong tragic consciousness .