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bèi nì
  • rebel;revolt;unfilial;disloyal
悖逆 [bèi nì]
  • [rebel;disloyal;unfilial] 违背正道

  • 乃敢如此悖逆

悖逆[bèi nì]
  1. 若不听从,反倒悖逆,必被刀剑吞灭。这是耶和华亲口说的。

    But if ye refuse and rebel , ye shall be devoured with the sword : for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it .

  2. 只是不可悖逆耶和华,也不可得罪我们,在耶和华我们神的坛以外为自己筑坛。

    But do not rebel against the LORD or against us by building an altar for yourselves , other than the altar of the LORD our God .

  3. 因这些事,神的忿怒必临到那悖逆之子。

    Because of these , the wrath of God is coming .

  4. 延安文学批评与文学创作悖逆现象论

    On the Phenomenon of Literary Criticism Going against Literary Creation in Yan'an

  5. 由于悖逆的罪,他们的整个世界完全改变了。

    Because of that disobedience , their whole world changed .

  6. 他们虽是悖逆之家,或者可以揣摩思想。

    Perhaps they will understand , though they are a rebellious house .

  7. 在正文的第三章,论文作者转向犹太文化的悖逆性。

    Chapter Three covers the paradox of the Jewish culture .

  8. 张爱玲:悖逆语境下的女性自赎

    Zhang Ailing : Woman 's Self-redemption in a Contradictory Context

  9. 因着他们的悖逆,罪就进入了整个世界。

    Through their disobedience , sin came into the world .

  10. 悖逆与抗争&美国华裔女小说家作品之主题研究

    Rebellion and Protest : A Thematic Study of Chinese American Woman 's Literature

  11. 语境的顺应与悖逆&语境策略探微

    Obey and Disobey in the Language Context & Strategies of the Language Context

  12. 这悖逆,污秽,欺压的城,有祸了。

    Sorrow to her who is uncontrolled and unclean , the cruel town !

  13. 以色列人哪,你们深深的悖逆耶和华,现今要归向他。

    Turn ye unto him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted .

  14. 自从我认识你们以来、你们常常悖逆耶和华。

    You have been rebellious against the Lord ever since I have known you .

  15. 你们为什么屡次悖逆,还要受责打吗?

    Why should you be beaten anymore ? Why do you persist in rebellion ?

  16. 你对那悖逆之家说,你们不知道这些事是什么意思么。

    Say to this rebellious house , 'Do you not know what these things mean ?

  17. 诗78:40他们在旷野悖逆他、荒地叫他担忧、其多呢。

    How often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness And grieved Him in the desert !

  18. 他们却仍旧得罪他,在乾燥之地悖逆至高者。

    And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the most High in the wilderness .

  19. 悖逆中寻求平衡与超越&信息社会的教育理念及其对教师教育的启示

    Seeking Balance and Transcendence in Contradictions & Education Ideas of Information Society and Suggestions on Teacher Education

  20. 一位慈爱的属灵父亲的呼吁&保罗的窘迫显示出他对于一个悖逆教会的真切关怀和引导。

    Pleas of a concerned father – Paul 's vulnerability reveals true leadership to an unruly church .

  21. 回避与直面,悖逆与统一&解读《万延元年的足球队》

    Evasion and face , rebellion and unity & comprehending THE Football TEAM Of THE FIRST YEAR ;

  22. 悖逆的人肆行杀戮,罪孽极深,我却惩治他们众人。

    And the revolters have gone deep into slaughtering , though I am a chastisement to them all .

  23. 他去问场中那些所谓「明哲人」,他该怎样惩罚悖逆的王后。

    He turned to his so-called " wise men " and asked how he should punish this rebellious wife .

  24. 你们当想念这事,自己作大丈夫。悖逆的人哪,要心里思想。

    Keep this in mind and be shamed ; let it come back to your memory , you sinners .

  25. 自从你出了埃及地的那日,直到你们来到这地方,你们时常悖逆耶和华。

    From the day you left Egypt until you arrived here , you have been rebellious against the LORD .

  26. 活着,用心智写下去,我无法悖逆,这是我的命。

    Living on earth , continually writing with heart , I cannot go against , this is my destiny .

  27. 他们希望个人请求能让这位悖逆的青年科学家回到他的祖国德国。

    They are hoping that a personal appeal will pursuade the rebellious young scientist to return to his German homeland .

  28. 因为耶和华说,我养育儿女,将他们养大,他们竟悖逆我。

    For the Lord has spoken : 'I reared children and brought them up , but they have rebelled against me .

  29. 所有这类及其它悖逆神律法的方式都表明了人心的笨拙、邪恶与冥顽。

    All these and other forms of rebellion against the law reveal the foolish , sinful stubbornness of the human heart .

  30. 这主要就是表现在作品中塑造了既有情欲又不悖逆理的贞女形象。

    This is mainly manifested in the works which portray a kind of chaste girls that existing sex without rebellion arguments .
