
  • 网络malignancy;malignant transformation;malignant change
  1. 畸胎瘤恶性变患者的平均发病年龄大于其它几种病理类型的MOGCT;

    The mean age at time of diagnosis in teratomas with malignant change was older the others ;

  2. 烧伤后疤痕组织上皮细胞恶性变

    Malignant change in the epithelial cell of the scar after burn

  3. p53基因突变可能与口腔粘膜良性病损恶性变有关。

    Mutation of p53 gene may be related to the malignant transformation of the benign lesions of oral mucosa .

  4. 目的检测晚期血吸虫病肝组织的端粒酶和血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)的活性,探讨日本血吸虫病肝硬化与恶性变的相关性。

    To detect the telomerase and vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) activity in liver of mice with advance stage of schistosomiasis japonica and to discuss the relationship between periportal cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma .

  5. 主要临床表现为间歇性血精伴终末血尿及不育15年,经直肠B超、盆腔CT、MRI、膀胱镜及活检病理检查确诊为苗勒管囊肿并恶性变。

    The main manifestation was intermittent episode of hemospermia accompanying terminal hematuria and infertility for 15 years . Final diagnosis was determined by the findings of transrectal ultrasound scan , CT scan , MRI imaging , cystoscopic examination and biopsy .

  6. 目的探讨CKIT基因突变与胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)临床病理指标和预后的关系,为GIST恶性变判断、预后评估提供客观指标。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical signification of c kit gene mutation in gastrointestinal stromal tumor ( GIST ) and examine whether the presence of mutation of c kit gene is important as a prognostic factor .

  7. 转化生长因子与EGF-R结合,诱导自身磷酸化反应,促进细胞增殖、分化,恶性变。

    The TGF-a combined with EGF-R could induce the self-phosphorylation , improve cell proliferation , differentiation and malignant .

  8. 结论:bcl2蛋白表达在口腔粘膜恶性变的较早阶段起主要作用。

    Conclusion : The Expression of bcl 2 protein plays main role in which oral mucosa may transform to malignancy .

  9. 结论DNT预后良好,手术切除后无需放、化疗,也无复发或恶性变。

    Conclusion The prognosis of DNT is better after surgical operation without the needs of radiation or chemotherapy and it has no recurrence or malignant transformation .

  10. 胃泌素与胃上皮细胞的增殖、壁细胞和ECL细胞的数量增加均有非常密切的关系,而且在胃黏膜的恶性变过程中也起着非常重要的作用。

    Gastrin is correlated closely with proliferation of gastric epithelial cells , increase of the number of parietal cells and ECL cells , and also plays a very important role in the process of malignant transformation of gastric mucosa .

  11. 结论DOC2的低表达与宫颈癌的发生、发展密切相关,但与肿瘤分级无明显相关性,它的表达低下或缺失可能是宫颈恶性变的早期事件。

    Conclusion Loss of DOC2 expression is correlated with tumorigenicity of the cells disregarding the grade of the tumors , and loss of DOC2 expression is an early event in cervical carcinoma .

  12. 镜下见甲状腺滤泡样结构,1例恶性变。

    Microscopically , the tumors consisted of thyroid follicular structures .

  13. 心脏粘液瘤虽属良性肿瘤,但也可恶性变。

    Cardiac myxoma is benign tumour , but it may become malignant .

  14. 所有病例均经随诊5年以上,未见有恶性变者。

    All these cases were followed up for more than 5 years .

  15. 纤维结构不良恶性变一例报告并文献复习

    Fibrous dysplasia with malignant transformation - a case report and review of the literature

  16. 骨样骨瘤恶性变1例报告

    One Case : Canceration of Osteoid Osteoma

  17. 造釉细胞瘤及其恶性变(附38例的临床和病理分析报告)

    Ameloblastoma and its Malignant Changes ( with Clinical and Pathological Analysis of 38 cases )

  18. 术后肿瘤复发率高(85%),3例恶性变。

    85 % patients had postoperative recurrent tumor , and 3 cases became malignant tumors .

  19. 结果28个卵巢囊腺瘤中,浆液性13个,黏液性15个,其中良性25个,交界性或恶性变3个。

    Results Of 28 ovarian cystadenomas , 13 tumors were serous , another 15 tumors were mucinous .

  20. 讨论了病理诊断和鉴别诊断,与骨化性纤维瘤的关系以及恶性变等问题。

    Pathological diagnosis , pathological differential diagnosis , relation to osteogenic fibroma and malignant transformation were discussed .

  21. 结果表明,检测肿瘤细胞增殖活性对于判断鼻咽癌恶性变及估计患者的预后具有重要意义。

    Three different cellular proliferative paramenters could be used as the predictor of tumor malignancy and prognosis .

  22. 胸腺瘤一般是良性肿瘤,生长缓慢,但有明显的恶性变倾向。

    Thymic lesion is generally benign tumors , growing slowly , but there are obvious malignant degeneration tendency .

  23. 结果卵巢子宫内膜异位症恶性变患者的主要症状为盆腔包块、腹胀、腹痛、异常阴道流血和流液。

    Results The main symptoms were pelvic masses , abdominal pain , abdominal distension and abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge .

  24. 28例中有2例手术后复发,其中1例术后1年发生恶性变。

    Among the 18 cases , 2 cases recurred ; 1 case underwent malignant change 1 year after the operation .

  25. 目的探讨泪腺良性多形性腺瘤术后易复发和恶性变的原因。

    Objective To investigate the causes of recurrence and malignant change of pleomorphic adenoma ( benign mixed tumour ) of lacrimal gland .

  26. 随访显示,术后患者癫痫症状得到较好控制。肿瘤复发和恶性变风险较低。

    Follow-up suggests patients will achieve relief from the seizures after surgery and have a low risk for tumor recurrence and malignant progression .

  27. 目前细胞已稳定传至60余代,未发现有恶性变倾向。

    Till now , it had been cultured more than 60 population doublings , and no malignant appearence could be found . 2 .

  28. 方法回顾性分析25例卵巢子宫内膜异位症恶性变患者的临床和病理资料。

    Methods From 1981 to 1999 , a total of 25 patients with malignant transformation of endometriosis of the ovary were retrospectively analyzed .

  29. 在星形细胞瘤中Fas/FasL的表达情况可反映神经胶质细胞间变程度及星形细胞瘤恶性变时瘤细胞增殖的程度。

    The expressing of Fas / FasL can reflect the anaplastic level of glioma and the tumour cell doubling extent when astrocytoma becomes malignant .

  30. 目的:研究一氧化氮自由基和铜、铁离子在细胞恶性变中的协同作用。

    Objective : To study the synergism of ions of Cu 2 + and Fe 3 + and NO free radical in cell malignant transformation .