
  1. 变作山羊的恶女魔一脚把他远远地踢到天上。

    And the she-devil hiding inside kicked him way up into the air .

  2. 坏男恶女。

    Bad boys and girls .

  3. 同时,恶女又具有鲜明的时代特征,是对这个男权社会的反动,也表现了东野圭吾的女性观和社会观。

    Meanwhile , evil women are full of characteristics of this time and are resisting to this patriarchal society .

  4. 宋代笔记小说中才女、智女、贤女、恶女形象比较突出。

    In note novel of Song Dynasty , the images of talented women , smart women , virtuous women , and evil women are striking .

  5. 通过对五部小说做对比分析,得出东野小说中恶女的发展轨迹,即恶女形象经历了被动作恶到主动作恶的发展。

    Through the comparison of these five novels , we find the development trail of the image of " evil woman ", which is from doing evil passively to doing evil actively .

  6. 希斯·莱杰是土生土长的澳大利亚人,他在《对面恶女看过来》中一鸣惊人成为少女杀手,继而接手演绎了更多的成年人角色,并终因《断背山》中的角色而得到了奥斯卡提名名噪一时。

    A native of Australia , Ledger shot to fame as a teen heartthrob in10 Things I Hate About You before graduating to more adult roles , most notably his Oscar-nominated turn in Brokeback Mountain .