
Ancient Chinese Astronomical Observations Related to the Stellar Background on the Sky
Influences of stellar background noise on tracking and pointing subsystem of intersatellite optical communications
It is demonstrated that this method have a good effect on the moving small space object detection in the moving star background through simulation test .
Then a detailed analysis of the influencing factor to the background light power have been studied . Several measures have been given to weaken the influence of the background .
It 's been difficult to observe exactly how star clusters dissolve due to the fact that they are easily lost in the cluttered star field background of the host galaxy .
The stars might be actors on a stage set , but every time they moved , the whole stage rearranged itself .
Based on the results of the contrast of star to sky background in daytime , the detectable stellar magnitude limits are computed and analyzed as functions of observing heights , solar zeniths angle , wavebands and stellar spectral types for 3 °× 3 ° field of view .
A new stellar radiation spectral function was produced to convenience the background noise analysis of satellite optical communication system .