- terrorist attack;Terror Attack

The incident has all the earmarks of a terrorist attack .
The terrorist attack left many dead and wounded .
Terrorist attacks were threatening to destabilize the government .
His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang
One American was killed and three were wounded in terrorist attacks .
Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the habitats of several deadly terrorist attacks .
The backlash against US manufacturers that tried to move offshore for tax reasons in the early 2000s was fierce , as patriotism surged after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon .
The probable use of Hydrogen cyanide in terror attacks and its decomposition
Our correspondent Stephen Evans was in the South Tower of the World Trade Center when it was hit .
The election of President George W. Bush and his response to the attacks of September 11 2001 took things much further .
With the sharp drop of NASDAQ , the burst of Internet bubble and the 911-terror attack , venture capital industry suffered a lot in the 21 century .
A terrorist attack in the city of Jerusalem . That 's where we start this midweek addition of CNN STUDENT NEWS.Thanks for watching .
History will record that George W. Bush , the US president , faced two big crises during his term of office : the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 and the financial meltdown of 2008 .
Under the Bioterrorism Act of2002 , anyone importing food into the United States is required to notify the FDA of the shipment before it arrives by land , air or sea .
" War on Terror : The FBI ` s New Focus " will open Friday in plenty of time for the 10th anniversary of the 9 / 11 attacks .
Since the failure of the Doha round of multilateral negotiations launched shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 the focus of global trade policy has shifted towards plurilateral agreements restricted to a limited subgroup of partners .
Since the September 11 2001 attacks , the CIA has shifted from being an intelligence-gathering operation to a paramilitary organisation that kills terrorist suspects in Pakistan , the Middle East and Africa .
Newly emerging and reemerging infectious diseases as AIDS , H1N1 Flu and SARS as well as potential biological terrorist attack pose serious threats to global public health security in the context of globalization .
The rise in foreign applicants to full-time MBA programmes at US schools was particularly marked last year , and is described by Mr Wilson as a dramatic turnround from the situation following the September 11 terrorism attacks .
Mr Hammarberg said the10th anniversary of the9 / 11 attacks should lead to an urgent rethink of a misjudged and failed counter-terrorism policy .
Police even detained and interrogated members of the Hash House Harriers , a beery running club , suspicious that the flour they used to mark their runs might be part of a terrorist attack .
Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport has made full body scanners mandatory for US-bound passengers in a decision that will put pressure on other airports to adopt similar security measures in the wake of the foiled US terror attack .
The fire forces shoulder the responsibility of terrorist attack rescue .
Flameproof Anne 's Check Should Value the Prevention Chemistry Terror Raid
How much of an impact there will be is unclear .
But the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks changed all that .
Our ability to prevent terrorist attacks will be severely threatened .
All those who died in the terrorist attack were innocent .
The characteristics of injuries and medical protection in nuclear terror raid
An Mathematic Model Analysis of the Harm of " Terrorsit Assaults "