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huǎng hū
  • trance;in a trance;absentminded;dream;absent-minded;ecstasy
恍惚 [huǎng hū]
  • (1) [ecstasy;absentminded]∶精神不集中,神志不清

  • 精神恍惚

  • (2) [trance]∶证名。指神思不定、慌乱无主。由于七情内伤、外邪内干、发汗过多而损伤心气,以致精神不定

恍惚[huǎng hū]
  1. 他们在这方面的恍惚,

    that they are in a trance in this regard .

  2. 他的行动似乎很恍惚他心里肯定有很多事。

    He acts as if he 's in a trance & he must have a lot on his mind .

  3. 他回到家里发现她处于酒后恍惚状态。

    He came home to find her in a drunken stupor .

  4. 她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。

    There was a distant look in her eyes ; her mind was obviously on something else .

  5. 霍利恍惚地笑了笑。

    Holly smiled distantly .

  6. 她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚。

    She smiled with a faraway look in her eyes .

  7. 他仍是一脸恍惚。

    The same abstracted look was still on his face .

  8. 他脸上现出一种恍惚的表情。

    His face assumed a sort of dreamy expression .

  9. 那女孩躺在行军床上,因服用安定剂完全处于恍惚的状态。

    The girl lay on an army cot , all doped up with Valium .

  10. 跟记者谈话的时候,他只是勉强挤出一丝淡淡的微笑,显得非常恍惚。

    He looked dazed as he spoke to reporters , managing only a weak smile

  11. 我恍惚听见他进屋去了。

    I was vaguely aware that he entered the room .

  12. Mondaze指周末狂欢之后,面临周一要上班这件事感受到的恍惚和茫然,我们称之为“恍惚的周一”。

    Mondaze is the hazy2 or dazed feeling you get on Monday , usually when having to go back to work after a pleasant or crazy weekend .

  13. 在他的话语中恍惚的暗示他有旅行癖。

    There was a far-away hint of wanderlust in his expression .

  14. 当我进入恍惚状态,我感到全身发沉。

    The heavy feeling comes over me as I enter trance .

  15. 进入直接的方式或者终止恍惚状态。

    Go to a direct approach or to trance termination .

  16. 小凯现在有点恍惚,我是路克马修。

    Cary 's not herself right now . I 'm Luke marshall .

  17. 早期的恍惚不定缩成了笔法技巧上的徘徊。

    His earlier stage of uncertainty is condensed in techniques .

  18. 于是易卜拉欣就离开了,不一会儿便从深度的恍惚中醒过来。

    With this Ibrahim departed and soon after awoke from his trance .

  19. 伍德单调的声音在那里讲啊讲啊,哈利进入了恍惚状态。

    Harry sank into a stupor as Wood droned on and on .

  20. 她的宗教狂热已使她处于恍惚状态之中。

    She was in a trancelike state of religious ecstasy .

  21. 杰姆好像忽然从恍惚中醒过来。

    Out o fhis trance Jim seemed quickly to wake .

  22. 你恍惚地接受着敬意走着。

    You then walk the lap of honour like in a trance .

  23. 睡梦中,我恍惚听见他回来了。

    In my dream I was faintly aware that he came back .

  24. 母亲的眼里流露出一种梦幻中恍惚的神情。

    A dreamy look came into the mother 's eyes .

  25. 水中的倒影已没有了轮廓,缓缓变患上恍惚。

    Himimmolation in the water has no outline , gradually become blurred .

  26. 恍惚状态是由深度生理和心理放松引起的。

    The trance state is caused by deep physical and mental relaxation .

  27. 那个美丽的夜晚,眼望湖水,恍惚中。

    On that precious night , watching the lake , vaguely conscious .

  28. 他举止恍惚如同在梦幻之中。

    He acted like a man in a dream .

  29. 恍惚对你面前的事物有固定的梦想。

    In tranced fixation dreaming upon object before you .

  30. 他去纽约途中一路恍惚。

    He had been in a daze all the way to New York .
