
  • 网络presidential library;Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library
  1. 海明威的大多数文件都保存在波士顿的约翰·F·肯尼迪总统图书馆与博物馆(John.F.KennedyPresidentialLibraryandMuseum)。

    Most of Hemingway 's papers are at the John . F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston .

  2. 首先,在海恩尼斯港他的家中会举半私人弥撒,然后车队前往波士顿,最终他会安详的躺在总统图书馆,和他的兄弟约翰·F·肯尼迪在一起。

    First , a private Mass at the family compound in Hyannis Port , and then a motorcade to Boston where he will lie in repose at the presidential library of his brother John F. Kennedy .

  3. HenryPaulson周四在加利福尼亚的西米谷市罗纳德里根总统图书馆发表讲话,呼吁美国和全球金融系统的改革。MikeO'Sullivan报道。

    Paulson spoke Thursday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley , California , and Mike O'Sullivan reports , he called for cautious reforms in the U.S. and global financial systems .

  4. 一些抗议者站在乔治·布什总统图书馆外。

    HANDFUL of protesters stood outside George Bush senior 's presidential library .

  5. 这是在尼克松总统图书馆和博物馆巡回展出的其中一部分。

    part of a rotating display at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum .

  6. 部分是为了表示感谢,玛丽后来把海明威的资料捐献给了新落成的肯尼迪总统图书馆。

    Partly in gratitude , she later donated Hemingway 's archive to the new presidential library .

  7. 我很荣幸来到乔治布什总统图书馆作演讲。

    It 's a great honor and privilege to speak at the George Bush Presidential Library .

  8. 周日,即海明威诞辰当天,约翰·肯尼迪总统图书馆在网上公布了五本剪贴薄。

    The John F. Kennedy presidential library digitally uploaded five scrap books Sunday on Hemingway 's brithday .

  9. 如今芝加哥、纽约和夏威夷兴建奥巴马总统图书馆的竞争日益升温。

    Competition is hotting up between Chicago , New York and Hawaii to host the Obama presidential library .

  10. 比尔·克林顿总统图书馆是一个永远相信未来的人奉献给未来的礼物。

    Clinton Presidential Library is a gift to the future by a man who always believed in the future .

  11. 继续写书并修建他在小石城的总统图书馆(他每个月去那里一次);

    Make progress on his book and on building his presidential library in Little Rock ( which he visits once a month );

  12. 在此期间,他在参议院的工作人员会负责协调与继任者之间的交接工作,并整理奥巴马担任参议员期间的资料,将来供给奥巴马总统图书馆。

    His Senate staff will spend that time coordinating with his replacement , advising constituents with open requests , and archiving documents for Obama 's presidential library .

  13. 南希的发言人乔安妮·德雷克表示,南希将被安葬在加州锡米谷的里根总统图书馆、丈夫的墓旁。

    She will be buried next to her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley , California , according to her spokeswoman , Joanne Drake .

  14. 克林顿夫人访问北京之前,她的工作人员为她量身订制了一套全面的媒体宣传计划&上周克林顿总统图书馆公布的一批文件中就有当时的计划文件。

    Before Clinton traveled to Beijing , her staff laid out a thorough media plan for her & one of the many documents released by the Clinton Presidential Library last week .

  15. 隶属于美国国家档案馆的克林顿总统图书馆发布了最新文件,使人们得以了解白宫在为时任总统比尔·克林顿和莫妮卡·莱温斯基的丑闻辩护时所使用的策略。

    Newly-released documents from the Clinton presidential library in the national archives are providing a glimpse of the White House strategy used to defend then president Bill Clinton during Monica Lewinsky scandal .

  16. 尼克松总统图书馆一一记录了这些事件。这个星期,尼克松图书馆举办乒乓球表演赛,为运动员举办球艺讨论会,还有美中两国现役知名乒乓球选手的比赛。

    These events are being remembered at the Nixon Library , which this week is hosting ping-pong demonstrations , instructional clinics for players and games between current U.S. and Chinese table tennis stars .

  17. 不管冒犯了什么样的家族禁忌,当老布什坐在这里总统图书馆内的大理石凳上预先参观一个下周即将展出的展览时,有关政治王朝的话题是很难避开的。

    Whatever family taboos it may violate , the topic of political dynasty is hard to avoid as Bush perches on a marble bench at his presidential library here to preview an exhibit that opens next week .

  18. 我要衷心感谢得州农工大学和乔治布什总统图书馆基金会为今天这场活动所作周到安排,并感谢他们多年来为促进中美关系发展所作积极贡献。

    I want to express our sincere gratitude to the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation and the Texas A M University sup1 ; for organizing this event and for their valuable contributions to Sino-US sup2 ; relations over a course of many years .

  19. 日前,加利福尼亚州的前总统图书馆曝光了年轻的理查德·尼克松的老情书,这些情书的收信人是他后来的妻子。这些书信显示了一个男人充满诗意的一面,他在信中称妻子为“最亲密的爱人”。

    Old-school love letters between a young Richard Nixon and the woman he would later marry have been unveiled at the former president 's library in California , showing the poetic side of a man who addressed his future wife as " dearest heart . "

  20. 第一夫人劳拉在美国全国广播公司“会见新闻界”这档节目上说,她离开白宫后打算继续从事这项工作,主要是通过乔治城大学美国-阿富汗妇女理事会,和一个设在布什总统图书馆里的机构。

    The First Lady told NBC 's Meet the Press program that she intends to remain involved in the cause after she leaves the White House , mainly through the U.S. - Afghan Women 's Council at Georgetown University , and an institute being established at her husband 's presidential library .

  21. 首先,我对总统先生和布什图书馆举行这次活动,表示由衷的谢意。

    May I begin by thanking President Bush and the Bush Library for holding this function in my honor .

  22. 这座建筑包括收藏卡特担任总统期间文件的图书馆,以及记录着卡特白宫生涯的博物馆。

    The building consists of a library holding documents from the Carter presidency and a museum chronicling Carter 's career in the White House .

  23. 四位前总统与现任总统乔治。布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆典礼。

    Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library .

  24. 这里是美联社新闻一分钟。前总统比尔.克林顿与乔治.布什在周一会面,一起在4个总统图书馆发起新的学者项目。

    This is AP News Minute . Former president Bill Clinton and George W.Bush came together Monday to launch a new scholars program at 4 presidential libraries .

  25. 1980年,选举总统成功一下子将他推向了国际聚光灯之下。在加州西米谷市的里根总统图书馆里,学者及作家们都深受里根总统的影响,甚至普通老百姓都能回顾他的传奇。

    His election as president in 1980 thrust him into the international spotlight At the in Simi Valley , California , scholars and authors have been assess ing Mr. Reagan 's impact , and ordinary Americans are recalling his legacy .