
zǒnɡ zhuànɡ huā xù
  • raceme
  1. 根据分析,它的花序属于螺旋状花序,而不是总状花序。

    According to the analysis , its inflorescence belongs to the drepanium not foe raceme .

  2. 卡马夏一种百合科卡马夏属的植物,特别是生长在北美洲西部的卡马夏,长有草状叶子、由蓝色花朵组成的总状花序以及一种作为各种美洲土著人重要食物的球茎。

    Any of several plants of the genus Camassia in the lily family , especially C.quamash of western North america , having grasslike leaves , a raceme of blue flowers , and a bulb that was an important food for various Native American peoples .

  3. Faba该属的进化趋势为:卷须退化,总状花序轴缩短,小叶对数减少,总状花序少花,花小,荚果肥厚等特点。

    Faba The retrogression of tendril , short axis of raceme , decrease of leaves , several flowers of raceme , small flowers , fleshy legume etc. are its evolutionary direction .

  4. 叶形相似,但侧脉深陷,总状花序上具许多每6–9朵簇生的花,苞片暗红色,花被伸直,长3–3.5cm,可与后者明显区别。

    In the leaf shape , but differs by having sunken-veined leaves , many-flowered raceme with 6 – 9 flowers clustered together , dark red bracts , and erect perianth 3 – 3.5 cm long .

  5. 整个复总状花序由主枝和1~3级侧枝构成。

    The inflorescence consisted of main branch and 1-3 lateral branch .

  6. 热带美洲附生兰花的一个属,花美丽,成总状花序。

    Genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with showy racemose flowers .

  7. 单核白细胞玫瑰花状簇欧洲兰花,花色雪白,总状花序较短、呈螺旋状。

    European orchid having shorter racemes of strongly spiraling snow-white flowers .

  8. 终年欧洲风铃草有白色或蓝色的总状花序。

    Perennial European bellflower with racemose white or blue flowers .

  9. 中美小型树种,松散的总状花序,开略带紫色的绿色花。

    Small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers .

  10. 一个高大的禾本属,具穗状的总状花序,一年或多年生;产于温暖地区。

    Tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes ; warm regions .

  11. 花两性,排列成顶生总状花序;

    The flower is bisexual , arrange very unripe raceme ;

  12. 开黄和粉红色花的一年生藤蔓植物,开裂的叶片和总状花序。

    Annual vine with decompound leaves and racemes of yellow and pink flowers .

  13. 一种每年落叶的灌木,开深红色花的总状花序,种子红色,但带有黑色斑点。

    Deciduous shrub having racemes of deep scarlet-red flowers and black-spotted red seeds .

  14. 欧洲北部和亚洲的一种开红花的草本植物,竖立的总状花序。

    Herb of northern Europe and Asia having erect racemes of red flowers .

  15. 一种奇数羽状叶的树,其从粉红色到紫色的芳香花朵成总状花序。

    Tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers .

  16. 灌木状欧洲多年生植物,有下垂的蓝紫色总状花序。

    Bushy European perennial having nodding racemose violet-blue flowers .

  17. 美国东部的赝靛,蓝色总状花序。

    Wild indigo of the eastern United States having racemes of blue flowers .

  18. 东印度群岛乔木,黄白色花,总状花序;因观赏而大量栽培。

    East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers ; cultivated as an ornamental .

  19. 欧洲南部的一种草本植物,通常由于它的具总状花序的淡绿白色的花而栽培。

    Southern European plant commonly cultivated for its spikes of small starry greenish-white flowers .

  20. 花数朵排成腋生的总状花序;

    The flower discharges axillary raceme several times ;

  21. 北美较冷地区的一种多年生小草本,具有齿的、近圆形的叶和紫色花的总状花序。

    Small perennial herb of cooler regions of North America with racemose purple flowers .

  22. 一种园艺植物,具有深粉红色的下垂的心形花组成的总状花序。

    Garden plant having deep-pink drooping heart-shaped flowers .

  23. 羽扇豆属的任何一种植物;花通常蓝紫色,直立总状花序。

    Any plant of the genus Lupin ; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers .

  24. 北美洲的任何多毛的杂草,具有黄色的总状花序和膨胀的豆荚。

    Any of several hairy North American herbs having yellow racemose flowers and inflated pods .

  25. 非洲一种灌木状的小树,有复式叶片和小而芳香的绿色花朵的总状花序。

    Small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers .

  26. 有淡绿色芳香总状花序的多年生缠绕植物;中国西部至俄罗斯。

    Twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers ; western China to Russia .

  27. 美国东部的浓密的每年落叶的植物,有长着粉花的总状花序。

    Bushy deciduous shrub of the eastern United States with long racemes of pinkish flowers .

  28. 南欧及西欧多年生植物,花紫色,呈浓密的总状花序。

    Perennial of southern and Western Europe having dense racemes of purple or violet flowers .

  29. 旧大陆一个草本属,总状花序;木犀草;淡黄木犀草。

    Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers : mignonette ; dyer 's rocket .

  30. 普通冬青,有带有粉色白花的多花总状花序;欧洲和北美。

    The common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers ; Europe and North America .