
  • 网络Aggregate Supply Curve;aggregate-supply curve
  1. 总供给曲线的推导是宏观经济学中的最重要内容之一。

    The derivation of aggregate supply curve is one of the most important parts of macroeconomics .

  2. 通过这种方法推出的总供给曲线具有许多传统总供给曲线所不具有的新性质。

    The aggregate supply curve thus derived posses many new characteristics not included in traditional aggregate supply curve s.

  3. 在大多数宏观经济模型中,在推导总供给曲线时,加总问题(aggregationproblem)往往被忽略。

    In most macroeconomic models , in deriving the aggregate supply curve , aggregation problem is not dealt with explicitly .

  4. 为什么当经济相对远离潜在产出时,而不是在一个经济体在总供给曲线是陡峭的时候财政政策才是有效的?

    Why would fiscal policy be effective where the economy is relatively distant from potential output but not in an economy where aggregate supply curve is steep ?

  5. 一般认为,总供给曲线是各企业供给曲线的简单算术和或是一个代表性企业供给曲线的简单放大。

    It is assumed that aggregate supply is simply a summation of supplies by individual enterprises or a multiplication of the supply of output by the representative enterprise .

  6. 而用财政政策治理通货紧缩比货币政策要有效,只要总供给曲线不为水平状态,扩张性财政政策的实施就会引起物价水平的上升,用其治理通货紧缩就是有效率的。

    So long as the supply is rising , the expanding financial policy will lead to the rising of prices that turns out to be effective in coping with deflation .

  7. 中国基础产业与其他产业资源配置的方式不同,以及二元结构的存在使西方经济学中的总供给曲线在中国缺乏适用性。

    The common aggregate supply function cannot apply in Chinese economy because of two facts : the first is the different method of resource allocation between infrastructure industry and the other industries ;

  8. 需求曲线和不同阶段的能源总供给曲线决定了不同的能源价格,能源消费总量的过快增长导致能源价格的升高,从而影响城市化的发育和发展。

    Energy total demand curve and supply curve of different stages determine the change in energy prices . The excessive growth of total energy demand results in energy price rise , thus affect the development of urbanization and development .

  9. 本文提出了基础产业产出的价格效应和产出效应的概念,并认为这两个效应是构建中国的总供给曲线的关键。

    In the process of deduction , Leontief production function is adopted . Two concepts , price effect and output effect , are introduced in this paper , which is the key to the construction of the aggregate supply curve .

  10. 制度变迁初期,中国农村地区所实施家庭联产承包责任制之所以能够推动农业经济乃至总供给曲线迅速外移右旋的原因在于它的制度尽收益和路径选择。

    On the first step of the institution transition in China , the Home-Responsibility - System in the rural area resulted in the increase of agricultural economy even the rapid motion hole incurve left and outward because of its net earn and choice of load .

  11. 在理论上,把AD-AS曲线、货币乘数、货币政策乘数应用于货币政策区域效应的分析,构建了区域总需求-总供给曲线、区域货币乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数模型。

    In theory , AD-AS model , money multiplier and monetary policy multiplier are use to regional effect of monetary policy . On the basis of these models , regional AD-AS model , regional money multiplier and regional monetary policy multiplier are constructed .

  12. 通过加总推出的总供给曲线

    On the Derivation of Aggregate Supply Curve by Integration

  13. 中国基础产业供给不足时的总供给&基于里昂惕夫生产函数的总供给曲线的构建

    A Valuation of the Production Function of China The Aggregate Supply Function with the Shortage of Infrastructure