
qiè chǎng
  • have stage fright;intimidated
怯场 [qiè chǎng]
  • [stage fright] 在某种场合因紧张、害怕而显得不自然

  • 饶鸿生到了这个地步,就和木偶一般,那 广东妓女看他是个怯场的样子。--《文明小史》

怯场[qiè chǎng]
  1. 西安米兰春天摄影团队会以朋友式互动尽量让你不紧张,不怯场。

    The Xi'an Milan will spring photograph the team to let you by the friend type interaction not be anxious as far as possible , will not have stage fright .

  2. 本文通过调查,结合自己几年来培养学生篮球裁判的工作实践,就学生担任篮球裁判时产生怯场的原因,以及克服怯场心理的具体方法,谈点自己的认识。

    Through careful research , combining their working experience of teaching students to act as basketball referees , the authors present their own understanding of the reasons that cause student referees to have stage fright , and offer the concrete method to overcome the stage fright .

  3. 霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。

    Howard wanted to be a popular singer , but stage fright crippled him

  4. 盖特有丰富的舞台经验,不会怯场。

    Gate has ample stage experience , and won 't get stage fright .

  5. 她虽无演讲经验,但似乎生来并不怯场。

    She isn 't a practiced public speaker , but she faced her audience as if to the manner born .

  6. 即便是著名的演说家,也有怯场的时候。

    Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright .

  7. 例句:她因为怯场而忘了台词。

    She forgot her lines because of stage fright .

  8. 确实,对于任何一个容易怯场的人,Twitter互动可能都会成为压垮人的最后一根稻草。

    Indeed , for anyone who is prone to stage fright to begin with , the Twitter-factor may be a deal breaker .

  9. 怯场是因为小时候受到了轻率的对待所致。

    Nervous illness can stem from being treated inconsiderately in childhood .

  10. 武术运动员比赛中的怯场对策研究

    On the Countermeasures of Overcoming Wushu Athlete 's Timidity in Competitions

  11. 解除声乐学生的怯场现象探析

    How to relieve the stage fright phenomenon of vocal students

  12. 这个年轻女演员在台上怯场了。

    The young actress froze up on the stage .

  13. 那演员压抑不住他的怯场感。

    The actor can 't helphis feeling of stagefright .

  14. 我们都有过怯场的经历。

    We have had the experience of stage fright .

  15. 当我出庭作证时,我怯场了。

    When I went to the witness stand , I had stage fright .

  16. 健美操考核中怯场心理分析及其对策

    Psychological Analysis and Adjustment of Underachievers in Aerobics Dancing

  17. 学生一踏进考试室就有点怯场。

    The student got stage fright when he stepped into the exam room .

  18. 怯场是她表演不佳的原因。

    Stage fright made clear for her bad performance .

  19. 他感受到的是极度的怯场。

    What he experienced was intense stage fright .

  20. 学生篮球裁判员怯场心理分析及临场自信心的培养

    The Psychological Analysis of Students Basketball Referees ' Fear and Training of their Self-confidence

  21. 即便是著名的演说家,也会有怯场的候

    Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright

  22. 他表现得从容自若,一点都不怯场。

    He acted in an unhurried manner and did not have any stage fright .

  23. 有时侯我还有些怯场。

    Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright .

  24. 公开演奏中的怯场现象就是这种矛盾和冲突的产物。

    Stage fright in public performance is the result of the contradiction and conflict .

  25. 坐就是了我们能帮你克服怯场的问题

    Just sit . We think we can help you with your stage fright .

  26. 要不是紧张怯场,他也许会考得很好的。

    He would probably have done well in the examination , only that he got nervous .

  27. 梅利莎:是的,但他似乎会怯场。

    Melissa : Yes , but he seems to have a bad case of stage fright .

  28. 我有怯场的毛病。

    I have a stage fright .

  29. 我怯场了。

    I got the stage fright .

  30. 再添一位怯场的队员,我们就只好放弃比赛了。我们得齐心协力才行。

    Another weak sister and we 'll have to quit . we 've got to pull together .