
guài wu
  • monster;freak;monstrosity;an eccentric person
怪物 [guài wù]
  • (1) [monster;freak;monstrosity]∶怪异的物类

  • 一条九千克重的怪物据说是最大的弱口鱼

  • (2) [an eccentric person]∶容貌、性情或思想、行为古怪、特殊的人

  • 此人是天生的怪物

怪物[guài wu]
  1. 他画了一个怪物,把它涂成绿色。

    He drew a monster and coloured it green .

  2. 他们前往那片水域,打算找到怪物存在的确凿证据,以获得为此设立的25万英镑奖金。

    They took to the water intent on netting the £ 250,000 reward offered for conclusive proof of the monster 's existence .

  3. 不久前变性人还被视为怪物。

    Not so long ago , transsexuals were regarded as freaks .

  4. 亚瑟王亲自捉住怪物,并砍下它的头。

    King Arthur himself captures the beast and cuts off its head

  5. 这些喜欢卖弄风情的美国姑娘,真是世界上最不可捉摸的怪物。

    These little American flirts were the queerest creature in the world .

  6. 他已经降服了怪物。

    He has subdued the monster .

  7. 这是一个可怕的怪物。

    This is a horrible monster .

  8. 怪物可能会出现,夜幕会降临。

    Monsters may appear or the night will fall .

  9. 也许我会找到一个怪物。

    Maybe I would find a monster .

  10. 然后他遇到了一个白胡子的怪物。

    Then he met a monster with a white beard .

  11. 怪物问他要去哪里。男孩告诉了他。

    The monster asked him where he was going.The boy told him .

  12. 男孩拒绝了,怪物就把他弄瞎了。

    The boy refused , and the monster blinded him .

  13. 不久,他遇到了一个长着黑胡子的怪物。

    Before long , he met a monster with a black beard .

  14. 人们说,在它黑暗、寒冷的水中生活着一个巨型怪物。

    People say a big monster lives in its dark , cold waters .

  15. 男孩拒绝了,所以怪物把它们都拿走了。

    The boy refused , so the monster took all of them away .

  16. 到目前为止,他的“奇幻世界”有很多成员,比如怪物和机器人。

    So far , his " fantasy world " has many members , such as monsters and robots .

  17. 他们拍了很多照片和录像,但始终找不到怪物。

    They took many photos and made movies , but they were never able to find a monster .

  18. 从那以后,有不少人说他们在尼斯湖中看到了一只怪物。

    Since then , a number of people have said that they have seen a monster in Loch Ness .

  19. 1933年,一对夫妻报告说他们在湖心看到了一个大怪物。

    In 1933 , a husband and wife reported that they saw a big monster in the middle of the lake .

  20. “我会告诉你它在哪里,”怪物说,“但你必须为我杀一个人。”

    I 'll tell you where it is , the monster said , " but you must kill someone for me . "

  21. 许多人到尼斯湖去寻找这个奇怪的怪物,但只有少数人见过它。

    Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster , but only a few people have seen it .

  22. “我会告诉你幸福鸟在哪里,”怪物说,“但你必须替我弄瞎一个人。如果你不这样,我就把你弄瞎。”

    I 'll tell you where the Bird of Happiness is , the monster said , " but you must blind someone for me . If you don 't , I 'll blind you . "

  23. 怪物没有感到任何疼痛,并攻击猎人。

    The monster did not feel any pain and attacked the hunter .

  24. 勇敢的猎人拿出了他的箭,并射向这个怪物。

    The brave hunter took out his arrow1 and shot2 the monster .

  25. 他不知道怪物住在这里。

    He did not know that the monster lived there .

  26. 人们不敢靠近怪物生活的树林。

    The people did not go neat the woods where the monster lived .

  27. 这是因为这个怪物会吃人。

    That is because the monster ate up people .

  28. 他的脸使我想起半人半马的怪物。

    His face reminded me somehow of a centaur .

  29. 人们真的很害怕这个怪物。

    People were really afraid of this monster .

  30. 他是个吹牛家,是个怪物,是个畸形人。

    He is a bluffer , and a screwball , a kind of freak .