
xìnɡ ɡé zhànɡ ài
  • Personality disorders;character disorder
  1. 高血压脑出血;性格障碍;心理障碍;医患关系。

    Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ; Character disorder ; Psychologic disorder ; Doctorpatient relationship .

  2. 在其他常见的性格障碍中,有一种抑郁性格。

    Among the other commonly recognized character disorders is depressive character .

  3. 对永动的追求一直以来是托尼。佩罗蒂提最明显的性格障碍。

    The need for perpetual motion has always been Tony Perrottet 's most obvious personality disorder .

  4. 在排练这出剧的过程中,调查研究了大量关于“边缘性格障碍”的艺术家,里面涉及到:作家,音乐家,画家,诗人,哲学家。

    In the play rehearsal in the process of investigation and study , the large quantities of " personality disorder " artist of the edge , which involves : writers , musicians , artists , poets and philosophers .

  5. 大学生心理健康问题主要源自教育体制和家庭教育的影响,学习与生活的压力,理想与现实的矛盾,高校心理咨询工作的缺失,个性缺陷与性格障碍。

    The psychological problems of the college students result from the educational system and home education , the learning burden and living pressure , the contradiction between the ideal and the reality , the insufficient in psychological consultation in colleges , the personality defeats as well .

  6. 征服与人交往的恐惧,超越内向性格的障碍。

    Conquer your fear of communicating with others , breakthrough your personality barriers .

  7. 冠心病患者A型性格与情绪障碍及中医辨证分型关系的探讨

    The Relationship between A-type Character with Different Classification of TCM and Emotional Disturbance in Coronary Artery Disease Patients

  8. 60例脑血管病人的性格特征与情感障碍

    Personality Characteristics and Emotional Disturbance in 60 Patients with Cerebrovascular Diseases

  9. 这种疾病会引起睡眠紊乱、神志模糊、性格变化、语言障碍、癫痫和昏迷。

    The disease causes sleep disorders , mental confusion , personality changes , speech problems , seizures and coma .