
xìng gé
  • character;personality;nature;disposition;temperament;make-up
性格 [xìng gé]
  • [nature;disposition] 性情品格

  • 他的仁慈性格

  • 乖戾的性格

  • 少年性格。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

性格[xìng gé]
  1. 怨天尤人根本就不是她的性格。

    It 's simply not in her nature to grumble .

  2. 当地人赋有忠厚质朴的性格。

    The local people are by nature honest and kind .

  3. 他看上去可怕,实际却是个性格温和的巨人。

    He looks scary but he 's really a gentle giant .

  4. 他和他的前任性格不一样。

    He is cast in a different mould from his predecessor .

  5. 这部书对布莱尔夫人的性格作了生动的剖析。

    The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair 's character .

  6. 她昨晚的举止与她的性格截然不符。

    Her behaviour last night was completely out of character .

  7. 他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。

    He reveals his true character to very few people .

  8. 正反两方面的经历都影响儿童性格的形成。

    Positive and negative experiences form a child 's character .

  9. 他们尽管性格不同,但仍然友情甚笃。

    They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences .

  10. 她靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。

    Her courage and good humour saw her through .

  11. 每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。

    Everyone admires her strength of character and determination .

  12. 这是他过去没有了解到的她的性格的一个方面。

    This was one aspect of her character he hadn 't seen before .

  13. 我的性格不适合这种工作。

    I 'm temperamentally unsuited to this job .

  14. 任何社会团体都容易出现关系紧张和性格冲突。

    There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group .

  15. 慷慨是美国人性格的一部分。

    Generosity is part of the American character .

  16. 他如此自命不凡并不是他的错,他天生就是这种性格。

    It 's not his fault he 's so pompous ─ he was born that way .

  17. 他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。

    He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way

  18. 她相貌平平,性格懦弱。

    She was a plain-looking woman with a weak chin .

  19. 她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。

    Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me .

  20. 这些性格特征代代相传。

    These personality traits get passed on from generation to generation

  21. 把自己的婴孩放在第一位,这完全符合雷切尔的性格。

    It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first

  22. 他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。

    He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition

  23. 他具有进入内阁所必需的冷酷性格。

    He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet

  24. 我饮食没有规律,而且性格上容易沉迷某事。

    I have an eating disorder and an addictive personality .

  25. 国际象棋大师们以性格怪异和好与人争辩而闻名。

    Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative

  26. 那时她只有17岁,那次经历影响了她的性格。

    She was only 17 at the time and the experience moulded her personality

  27. 他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。

    He was unemotional , quite quiet , and reserved

  28. 她一点儿都没表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义的性格倾向。

    She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers .

  29. 命运已经决定了他们的性格为人。

    Destiny has ordained that they are who they are

  30. 性格和外表是分不开的,而且观其形知其性。

    Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it .