
  • 网络Psychosexual development
  1. 论互联网对大学生性心理发展的负面影响

    Negative Influence of the Internet on College Students ' Psychosexual Development

  2. 他在此基础上扩展并提出了,性心理发展理论。

    He extended it and developed it into a theory of psychosexual development .

  3. 青春期学生性心理发展特点及引导策略

    Characteristics of Adolescent Students ' Sexual Psychological Development and Aiding Strategy

  4. 他们的性心理发展直接影响到他们的身心健康和人格的形成与完善。

    The development of their sex psychology will directly affect their physical and mental health , personality formation and improvement .

  5. 研究结果显示:华师女大学生性心理发展的主流是好的、健康的,大多数女大学生有正确的性观念。

    The study result shows that the general sex psychological development of female college students at CCNU is positive and healthy ;

  6. 弗洛伊德的驱力和性心理发展、EROS&THANATOS、精神结构、人格结构、自我防御机制理论是研究自杀的重要依据。

    Sigmund Freud 's theories about drive and psychosexual development , Eros-Thanatos , construction of the mind , construction of the personality , ego defense mechanisms are important theoretical bases for suicide study .

  7. 埃里克森(Erikson)认为自我同一性是心理发展的一个重要概念,他认为自我同一性的发展贯穿人的一生,但青少年期是发展自我同一性的关键时期。

    Erickson think that the self is an important concept of mental development , he thinks that the self-identity of development throughout life , but the adolescence is key period of the development of ego identity .

  8. 深圳市中学生性心理的发展、性知识及性态度现况调查

    A survey on sex psychology development , knowledge and attitude among Shenzhen middle school students

  9. 目的了解深圳市中学生性心理的发展及性知识、性态度状况,为开展青春期性健康教育提供依据。

    Objective To explore the status of sex psychology development , knowledge and attitude so as to provide evidence for adolescence sex health education .

  10. 参照Carpendale和Chandler的实验范式,研究儿童对于人们可能对同样信息给出不同解释这一现象的理解,考察5~8岁儿童的解释性心理理论的发展。

    The study explored the development of 5-to 8-year-old children 's interpretive theory of mind . Carpendale and Chandler 's research paradigm was used to study children 's understanding of the phenomenon that ' people may form different interpretations of the same information ' .

  11. 在个体心理发展方面,俄罗斯主体心理学认为,主体积极性是影响心理发展的第三因素;

    In individual psychological development , it believes that subject 's activeness is the third influential factor .

  12. 在他这样的一个年纪,这种事情可能会严重影响他的性成熟以及心理发展,同时,他的个性形成也会深受其害。

    At his young age it could skew his sexual and emotional development , as well as his personal identity .

  13. 本文试图就这个问题对二十年来的部分少年小说进行梳理和分析,力图勾画出少年小说在探示少年性心理方面的发展轨迹。

    To answer this question , this thesis attempts to comb and analyze some of the youth novels in the last twenty years , and tries to trace out the developing track of the sexual psychology in the youth novels .

  14. 社会性发展是儿童心理发展的重要方面。

    Psychological development of children is determined by infantile development of sociality .

  15. 同一性发展是大学生心理发展的核心任务。

    Identity development is a main task of psychological development for university students .

  16. 青少年学生性生理、性心理发展及性教育现状研究

    Sex Development and Education of Teenagers

  17. 中学生在性生理发育、性心理发展、性行为方式、性观念水平和接受性教育程度等方面都存在着性别差异和年龄差异。

    The middle-school student all have the sex difference and the age difference in the physiological growth of sex , the psychological development of sex , the sex way , the sex idea level and sex education level and so on .

  18. 大学生作为特殊的群体,随着性生理和性心理的发展,其性意识逐步觉醒,向往和追求爱情成为大学生生活的一个重要组成部分,事实上恋爱已经成为大学里的普遍现象。

    As a special group , with the development of sexual mentality and sexual physiology , sexual consciousness of college students becomes stronger and stronger . College students are on the age of pursuing love . Meanwhile , falling in love is a hackneyed phenomena on campus .

  19. 网络对青年性知识的获得、性心理的发展、性观念的形成产生重大而深刻的影响;

    Network has a profound and important influence on the youth for the acquirement of sexual knowledge , the development of sexual psychology and the forming of sexual concept .

  20. 从政治经济上给予性权利的保障,根据女性不同阶段性心理发展特点,有针对性地进行性教育,促进其性心理的健康发展。

    According to female developing stage , make pointed sex education to promote the healthy development of sex psychology .

  21. 结论:课程教育是开展心理素质教育的有效途径,启发指导性、互动性、情景式的综合教育方法有助于促进大学生情感心理与性心理健康发展。

    Conclusion Educational course is an effective way to develope mental-quality , the eclectic method is beneficial for development of psychological health of affection and sex for university students .