
jí jiàn
  • urgent document or dispatch
急件 [jí jiàn]
  • [urgent document or dispatch] 须要赶紧送到或处理的紧急文件

  • 这是一份急件

急件[jí jiàn]
  1. 请在通知上注明“急件”。

    Mark the message ' urgent ' , please .

  2. 我正拿着大使的急件。

    I was carrying dispatches from the ambassador .

  3. 你能否把这些急件打成包,赶上最后一班邮件发出去?

    Can you parcel up these urgent papers in time for the collection of the last post ?

  4. 虽然你的衣着上不必像个小精灵,但是行动上却可以成为一个小精灵,去UPS或FedEx公司当司机或包裹处理员,去送那些急件。

    You don 't have to dress up like an elf but you will be acting as one working as a driver or package handler for UPS or FedEx to help deliver time-sensitive items .

  5. 针对工件延误和急件插入两类动态事件,通过对改进的Job-shop基准实例进行仿真分析,验证了该策略的可行性。

    In allusion to the dynamic event of workpiece delay and insert , a modified Job-shop benchmark instance is tested , and the simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy .

  6. Zope应用服务添加了一个特殊的急件订户(zope.app.event.dispatching)用以发送给所有基于适配器订阅的通知。

    The Zope application server adds a special dispatch subscriber ( zope . app . event . dispatching ) that forwards the notification to all adapter-based subscriptions .

  7. 送急件的人将包裹送来(送到我们办公室)了。

    A courier delivered the parcels ( to our office ) .

  8. 那位秘书不得不费力地读完所有的急件。

    The secretary had to wade through all the urgent letter .

  9. 他常常逐字逐句读这些急件就像是在破译密码一般

    sometimes reading dispatches word by word as they are deciphered .

  10. 送递急件的信差今天早晨送来了这封信。

    The letter was delivered by a courier this morning .

  11. 你开玩笑?只是普通的急件而已!

    Are you kidding ? It 's just your run-of-the-miii urgent iiamagram .

  12. 官方的报告(通常是急件)。

    An official report ( usually sent in haste ) .

  13. 送急件的人将包裹送来送到我们办公室)了。

    A courier delivered the parcels to our office .

  14. 那边给你送来了急件。

    A despatch sent after you from over yonder .

  15. 我们要给客户送个急件。

    We need an urgent delivery to a client .

  16. 他在信上加盖了“急件”的字样。

    He stamped " urgent " on the letter .

  17. 多少人此刻在书桌上有急件待处理?

    How many of you have urgent jobs to do at your desks ?

  18. 现在蒙罗应该知道他的急件没有送到。

    By now , Munro would know his dispatch did not get through .

  19. 我们得派人把急件由罗马送往伦敦。

    We must ask someone to carry a dispatch from Rome to London .

  20. 我的哨兵截获了这封送给你的急件。

    My scouts intercepted this dispatch intended for you .

  21. 成败系于这封给维伯的急件。

    That hangs on a courier to webb .

  22. 他把急件赶送到总部。

    He rushed the dispatch through to headquaters .

  23. 来自巴黎办事处的急件新闻报道。

    A dispatch from the office in paris .

  24. 这急件什么时候能发走?

    When will this urgent dispatch get off ?

  25. 他拿着一封电传急件冲了进来。

    He burst in with an urgent telex .

  26. 我不认为那是急件。

    I hardly considered it a priority .

  27. 我知道,可这是急件。

    I know but it 's urgent .

  28. 一名士兵,霍华德,受令送一份急件到前线去。

    A soldier Howard , was asked to send a dispatch to the front line .

  29. 约翰:你们没有急件服务吗我下星期就要出城了。

    John : Don 't you have express service I 'm leaving town next week .

  30. 水力发送器液力发送器帕格还在思考这个令人焦虑的奇怪命令时,又发下来另一份急件,它是由传令兵送来的。

    Pug was still digesting this sickening and surprising order when another dispatch came down , again by messenger .