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  1. 本文主要介绍其怀能特点、最新研究进展和应用以及工艺改善方法。

    This paper introduces the performance and the progress of study on applications and fabrication technology of phosphate glass .

  2. 但他怀能对美好事物的梦想,他向往智慧、优雅、高尚和美丽。

    But he dreams of better things , he thinks of intelligence , of refinement , of grace and beauty .

  3. 我像是富翁,怀藏能交好运的钥匙,

    So am I as the rich , whose blessed key

  4. 作者怀着能让每个人活得好一些这样朴素的创作理想来拥抱生活,回馈社会;

    The writer hugs life with a simple creative ideal of " making everyone live a better life " and repaying the society .

  5. 我怀着能让所有人和谐平等的民主自由社会的理想。

    I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities .

  6. 虽然好像他朝着那个特定的场地走去,怀着希望能遇到他暗恋的对象GirlsAloud组合的谢丽尔.科尔。

    Although it seems he headed to that particular venue in the hope he 'd bump into his crush , Girls Aloud 's Cheryl Cole .

  7. 那不是美很的想法吗?死在心爱的人怀里你能想像出更强烈的事情吗?

    Isn 't that a beautiful notion ? To die in the arms of your beloved . Can you imagine anything more poignant ?

  8. 常怀感恩之心能给生活带来宁静和欢悦。

    There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude , a quiet joy .

  9. 如果您由于长久以来一直知道他是一位品德端正的人,慈悲为怀,并因此能做点什么事来帮助他走出困境的话,先生,那么我们对您真将感激不尽。

    And that if you would , in your kindness , and in your old knowledge of him as a respectable man , do anything to help him out of his difficulty , Sir , we never could thank you enough for it . '