
kuài cān
  • fast food;snack;quick meal;munchies
快餐 [kuài cān]
  • [snack;quick meal;fast food] 烹饪好了的、能随时供应的饭食

  • 吃了一顿快餐

快餐[kuài cān]
  1. 你最好简单吃点快餐,不要着急着慌地吃正餐。

    You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal

  2. 午饭我通常只吃一份快餐。

    I only have a snack at lunch time .

  3. 这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。

    The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe .

  4. 中午快餐吃意大利面绝对没错。

    For a quick lunch you can 't go wrong with pasta .

  5. 我们正被快餐业催肥。

    We are being supersized into obesity by the fast food industry .

  6. 你这儿卖不卖快餐?

    Do you serve bar snacks ?

  7. 多数时候我们只吃点心和快餐。

    Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food .

  8. 詹姆斯在一家快餐店当助理厨师。

    James works as assistant chef at a fast food restaurant

  9. 公路系统沿线有大型商场和快餐店。

    Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system .

  10. 1987年,麦当劳占据了整个快餐业销售额的19%。

    In 1987 , McDonald 's captured 19 percent of all fast-food sales

  11. “不能吃快餐,”她坚决地说。

    ' No fast food ' , she said emphatically

  12. 这两个男人闲聊了些诸如彼此最喜欢的快餐这样的琐事。

    The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food

  13. 大约10%的日本青少年超重。营养学家指出主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。

    About 10 % of Japanese teenagers are overweight . Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food .

  14. 烹饪快餐并不意味着牺牲风味,快餐也不见得就一定是垃圾食品。

    Cooking up a quick dish doesn 't mean you have to sacrifice flavour . Nor does fast food have to be junk food .

  15. 新来的客人又要了一份快餐。

    The new diner needs another short-order cook .

  16. 在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折活动以及促销活动,例如推出l美元菜单和便宜的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴旺起来。

    Traffic was boosted in America , the home of fast food , with discounts and promotions , such as $ 1 menus and cheap combination meals .

  17. 分析人士对今年快餐业的适度增长有所期待。但是衰退的形势促使商家重新考虑他们的策略。

    Analysts expect the fast-food industry to grow modestly this year .

  18. 这些是快餐业已经学会去处理的一些事情。

    These are things fast-food firms have learnt to cope with .

  19. 到目前为止,快餐企业已经聪明地避开了政府的监管。

    So far , fast-food firms have cleverly avoided government regulation .

  20. 但并非所有的快餐企业都如此幸运。

    But not all fast-food companies have been as fortunate .

  21. 快餐业不得不成为一个厚着脸皮生存的群体。

    Fast-food firms have to be a thick-skinned bunch .

  22. 快餐曾经被认为可以抵抗经济衰退。

    Fast food was once thought to be recession-proof .

  23. 一些快餐企业还不惜牺牲自己的利润试图给顾客们更好的优惠。

    Some fast-food companies also sacrificed their own profits by trying to give customers better value .

  24. 许多快餐企业也试图让消费者购买包括饮料在内的更多新产品。

    Companies are also trying to get customers to buy new and more items , including drinks .

  25. 快餐商家也在增加中午和夜晚小吃的种类,例如混合型饮料及包装食品。

    Fast-food companies are also adding midday and late-night snacks , such as blended drinks and wraps .

  26. 结果,快餐连锁企业比那些贵一点的同行们更好地度过了这次经济危机。

    As a result , fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their more expensive competitors .

  27. 快餐业面临的改变

    The Changes Facing Fast Food

  28. 为了避免与美国和其他地方的法规起冲突,快餐企业将不得不继续创新。

    In order to avoid other legislation in America and elsewhere , fast-food companies will have to continue innovating .

  29. 其他国家的市场,如日本、法国和英国,在快餐上的整体消费呈增长态势。

    In some markets , such as Japan , France and Britain , total spending on fast food increased .

  30. 在美国同行业的营业额中,世界上最大的快餐企业麦当劳在没有下滑的情况下度过了经济衰退期。

    Same-store sales in America at McDonald 's , the world 's largest fast-food company , did not decline throughout the downturn .