首页 / 词典 / good

  • too;very

  • another pronunciation for 忒
  • 差错:差~。

  • 太:风~大。这人~坏。


[方] (太) too; very:

  • 忒热了

    too hot; very hot

  1. 路忒滑。

    The road is very slippery .

  2. 他的棋下得忒恶心。

    He is a lousy chess-player .

  3. 以流式细胞仪(FCM)分析,DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析及细胞形态学改变为指标,研究单核细胞增多型李氏忒菌(LM)感染对小鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的诱导作用。

    The murine thymocyte apoptosis induced by Listeria monocytogenes ( LM ) was detected with morphology , FCM , and DNA electrophoresis .

  4. 确定是NickCave的歌之后,我就对朋友说那歌,也忒哈利波特范儿了。

    When the Nick Cave song came on , I said to my friend , That . Is the coolest Harry Potter has ever been .

  5. Quinn表示,应对该问忒的努力在社区水平也必须得到加强。

    Mister Quinn says efforts to combat the problem must also be increased at the community level .

  6. JustinBieber的蜡像在杜莎夫人蜡像馆露面后,粉丝们都惊呆了:这蜡像忒超现实啊!

    When Justin Bieber 's waxwork was unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London today , fans were left stunned by just how unrealistic the model was .

  7. 阿瑟搬到了巴忒勒丹,他卖了些脚趾甲渣和唾液给一家DNA银行,用那笔钱在照片上的村子买了间房,那儿很舒服,气候温和。

    Arthur moved to Bartledan and , using some money he had made by selling some toenail clippings and spit to a DNA bank , he bought himself a room in the village featured in the picture . It was pleasant there . The air was balmy .

  8. 神话故事中,男女众神围坐在桌前庆祝贺忒提斯和珀琉斯的婚礼,其中一个女神--争吵女神(Discord)是个爱惹麻烦的人,她把一个金苹果扔在桌上,作为对最美新娘的奖励。

    The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around the table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus . One of the goddesses , Discord , was a . She threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess .

  9. 托忒蒙古文读音输入法的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of the Todo Mongolian pronouncing input method

  10. 桑儿又问忒希奥,“路加有什么线索吗?”

    Sonny turned to tessio . " any leads on luca ?"

  11. 天鹅和玫瑰是阿佛洛狄忒的象征。

    The swan and the rose were both symbols of Aphrodite .

  12. 他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。

    He picked Aphrodite , thus angering Athena and Hera .

  13. 勒夏忒列原理本质上跟这个相同的。

    Le Chatelier 's principle is basically the same thing .

  14. 阿佛罗狄忒是引发特洛伊战争的女神。

    Aphrodite was the goddess who triggered the Trojan War .

  15. 我很好,只是忒想念你!

    I am very well but to miss you terribly !

  16. 叶忒罗对摩西说,你可以平平安安地去吧。

    And Jethro said to moses , go in peace .

  17. 菲罗克忒忒斯爱的到底是赛丽娜的歌声,还是她的灵魂?

    But does Philoctetes love Sirena 's song , or her soul ?

  18. 今天心情很不爽,作业忒多了!

    Today , feeling very uncomfortable , 'm operating more !

  19. 不过,忒希奥这时觉得自己把话说得过火了。

    But Tessio understood he find finally gone too far .

  20. 忒阿杜勒带着一个富有阅历的人的那种镇静态度回答说

    Theodule replied with the composure of a man of bronze

  21. 罗格与帕忒恩的女主人不能并列。

    Rogue and mistress of patterne do not go together .

  22. 忒希奥,你要负责保护我的家庭中的所有其他成员;

    Tessio , you wilt guard all other members of my family .

  23. 就这样,得墨忒尔走遍了世界上的每一个角落。

    In this way , Demeter traveled the world on every corner .

  24. 留下来,我的小忒阿杜勒,我求你。

    Remain , my little Theodule , I beseech you .

  25. 很明显,在这个故事里,得墨忒尔是一个十足的傻瓜。

    Obviously , in this story , Demeter is a full fool .

  26. 忒希奥是不会就此罢休的。

    Tessio was not to be so easily satisfied .

  27. 得墨忒尔恍然大悟,但为时已晚。

    Demeter came , but it was too late .

  28. 这时,迈克尔对忒希奥所用的“干上了”这个习语特别注意。

    For that moment Michael was struck by the idiom Tessio had used .

  29. 托忒学&清朝有关边疆民族的专门教育机构

    Todo Study & A Special Education Institution About Borderland Peoples of Qing Dynasty

  30. 采用斯忒鄱-玻尔兹曼定律的红外测温选用红外传感头实现。

    The measuring temperature was realized with infrared thermometry method using infrared sensor .