
chàn huǐ
  • confess;repent;be penitent;penitence;penance
忏悔 [chàn huǐ]
  • [confess;repent;be penitent] 佛教语。梵文 ksama,音译为忏摩,省略为忏,意译为悔,合称为忏悔。佛教规定,出家人每半年集合举行诵戒,给犯戒者以说过悔改的机会。后遂成为自陈己过,悔罪祈福的一种宗教形式。引申为认识了错误或罪过而感到痛心,决心悔改

忏悔[chàn huǐ]
  1. 你犯了罪,必须为你的所作所为作出忏悔。

    You have sinned and must repent your ways .

  2. 尽管中日之间存在长期的领土争端,而且中国指责东京应该为二战罪行忏悔也煽动起了民众的情绪,据日本国家旅游局(JapanNationalTourismOrganization)透露,2014年赴日旅游的中国游客人数达到了240万,同比增长83%。

    Despite a longstanding territorial dispute with Japan inflamed by Beijing 's accusations that Tokyo must repent for crimes committed during World War II , around 2.4 million Chinese visited the country in 2014 , up 83 percent from the previous year , according to the Japan National Tourism Organization .

  3. 向上帝忏悔,上帝就会宽恕你。

    Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you .

  4. 你干脆去教堂忏悔自己的罪过吧。

    You just go to the church and confess your sins

  5. 现在让我们向上帝忏悔我们的罪恶。

    Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God .

  6. 忏悔净化灵魂。

    Confession cleanses the soul .

  7. 那盗贼对他犯过的一切罪恶表示忏悔。

    The thief expressed penitence for all his past actions .

  8. 他死前向神父忏悔。

    He confessed to the priest before he died .

  9. 一位神父天天前来听她忏悔。

    A priest visited her to confess her every day .

  10. 她忏悔地跪在母亲脚下。

    She knelt at her mother 's feet in penance .

  11. 在杀他的姐夫时,强迫对方忏悔

    Michael extorts a confession from his brother-in-law before having him killed . Michael

  12. 我愿意乖乖地忍受她们的奚落,忏悔我过去的恶行。

    I 'll be meek under their coldness and repentant of my evil ways .

  13. 我羞愧地忏悔了——冷冰冰地退缩,像个蜗牛。

    I confess it with shame -- shrunk icily into myself , like a snail .

  14. 他表示忏悔,满口道歉,但接着又故态复萌了

    He put ashes on his head , apologized profusely , but then went glibly about his business .

  15. 他诚恳地忏悔过去,并保证永远不再玩汽车。

    He is truly sorry for his past , and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever .

  16. Timothy教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方,当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕。

    There is a place in St Timothy church where sinners go to confess their sins and once they are done , they expect absolution .

  17. 试论奥古斯丁著作中的意愿(voluntas)概念&以《论自由选择》和《忏悔录》为例

    On the Concept of Voluntas in Augustine 's Works

  18. 果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filleddoughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。

    Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .

  19. 因为他没有傲慢,而且坦诚和忏悔。

    Because he has no arrogance , but confesses and repents .

  20. 他们把忏悔词写在一张纸上,由祷告小组领袖匿名宣读。

    They wrote confessions on papers that were read out anonymously .

  21. 忏悔吧,因为世界末日就在眼前。

    Repent , for the end of the world is nigh .

  22. 我们得庆祝下忏悔的流浪汉的到来。

    We have to celebrate the arrival of the repented nomad .

  23. 哪里有崇拜和忏悔,哪里就有信仰。

    Where there are adoration and confession , there is worship .

  24. 上次我忏悔的神父就因你的缘故把我痛骂了一顿。

    The last priest bawled hell out of me about you .

  25. 他闭上了眼睛,陷入了痛苦的忏悔。

    He closed his eyes , lost in his agonized confession .

  26. 与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

    It is better to be a martyr than a confessor .

  27. 美国人只知大叫,忏悔,抱怨。

    And how all Americans are doing is crying and complaining .

  28. 忏悔的结果不是可能,而是确定的

    The results of confession were not contingent , they were certain

  29. 他对忏悔的罪人一概慈悲为怀。

    He is kind and gracious to all sinners who repent .

  30. 她不会给姑母有可乘之机来作什么解释与忏悔。

    She gave her aunt no handle for explaining or confessing .