
jì hui
  • taboo;abstain from;avoid as harmful;vinegar
忌讳 [jì huì]
  • (1) [taboo]∶因风俗习惯或畏惧权势而对某些不吉利的语言或举动有所顾忌

  • 过春节忌讳讲死人

  • 船家忌讳沉

  • 犯忌讳

  • (2) [vinegar] 〈方〉∶指醋

  • [avoid as harmful;abstain from] 力求避免某些可能产生不利后果的事

  • 学习忌讳有始无终

忌讳[jì hui]
  1. 毒瘾仍然是个有些忌讳的话题。

    The topic of addiction remains something of a taboo

  2. 一个老奶奶很讲究忌讳。

    Once there was an old grandmother who believed in taboo .

  3. 他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出来。

    He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so .

  4. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。

    He 's very sensitive about his weight .

  5. 为得到我想要的东西,我一点都不忌讳把自己降格到跟莱麦尔一样。

    I 've got no qualms about lowering myself to Lemmer 's level to get what I want .

  6. 得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻。

    People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food .

  7. 在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。

    In study the worst danger is give up halfway .

  8. 富翁不识字,但是他却最忌讳人家说他不识字。

    He was illiterate1 , but he resented very much being considered illiterate .

  9. 二诸葛忌讳“不宜栽种”,三仙姑忌讳“米烂了”

    Each of these oracles hated a particular phrase . Liu the Sage abhorred " Not right for sowing " .

  10. 哈留指出,尽管导致过度疲劳的工作过度、自我驱动行为会受到雇主的欣赏和奖励,但闷爆却“反映出缺乏兴趣和动力”,“这在组织里是很忌讳的。”

    While the behaviours that feed into burnout – overwork , drive – are appreciated and rewarded by employers , boreout " reflects a lack of interest , a lack of motivation " , says Harju . " These are very much taboo4 in organisations . "

  11. 反规范化不再是一个忌讳的字眼,相反,它是一个设计工具,您可以把它应用在AppEngineforJava应用程序的许多方面。

    De-normalization is no longer a dirty word ; instead , it is a design tool that you will apply in many aspects of your App Engine for Java applications .

  12. 中国在世界上没有军事忌讳。

    Chine hasn , t a military care in the world .

  13. 被要求尊敬他们的忌讳却是另一回事。

    It 's another to be asked to respect their taboos .

  14. 而你一点都不忌讳跟我的病人聊天。

    But you got no qualms about chatting my guy up .

  15. 向朋友坦诚说出你的忌讳,有何不可?

    Why should you not confess your preciousness to your friends ?

  16. 中文里,人们通常是忌讳用“死”字的。

    People often avoid to mention " death " in chinese .

  17. 对于许多人来说,妥协是个忌讳字眼。

    To many people " compromise " is a dirty word .

  18. 年龄是一个非常忌讳的问题,对于女士尤其如此。

    Age is considered a taboo , especially for the ladies .

  19. 将显示权威的仔裤穿对还有诸多忌讳。

    In fact , getting power jeans right involves lots of no 's.

  20. 有些人非常忌讳黑色或白色的东西。

    Black and white objects strike terror in the hearts of some .

  21. 这对本镇的医生太太来说是最忌讳的。

    To the village doctor 's wife it was taboo .

  22. 医生和护士会有各种各样的忌讳;

    Doctors and nurses have a wide range of beliefs ;

  23. 但宋朝忌讳玄字,因而改称真武。

    However , Hyun Song taboo words , which was renamed Zhenwu .

  24. 谢谢收看本期“约会忌讳”节目。

    Thanks for watching video What To Never Do On A First Date

  25. 忌讳的话题往往会使人尴尬。

    Taboo topics tend to make people feel uneasy .

  26. 在大马,清明节拍照是个忌讳。

    It is a taboo to take photos of this occasion in Malaysia .

  27. 财务数据输入最忌讳的就是拖沓。

    Procrastination is the enemy of accounting data input .

  28. 这里讨论的是人人都忌讳的话题。

    It 's one of the most taboo subjects there is to discuss .

  29. 特别是妇女在三十岁之后忌讳人家问她们的年龄。

    Women in particular are very sensitive about being asked their age after 30 .

  30. 基金会主委没有饮食的忌讳,但不吸烟或者饮酒。

    The chairman has no dietary restrictions but does not smoke or consume alcohol .