
bì rán
  • inevitable;necessarily;bound to;certain;necessity;but cannot help
必然 [bì rán]
  • [inevitable;certain] 表示事情一定是这样

  • 战者,必然之势也。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • [necessity] 哲学上指不以人们意志为转移的客观发展规律

必然[bì rán]
  1. 那是这个决定的必然后果。

    It was an inevitable consequence of the decision .

  2. 你得接受必然发生的事。

    You have to accept the inevitable .

  3. 他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。

    His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities .

  4. 这项法律是2000年总统选举的必然结果。

    The law was an outgrowth of the 2000 presidential election .

  5. 政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。

    Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up .

  6. 这必然是一份简略的、不完全的描述。

    This is , of necessity , a brief and incomplete account .

  7. 公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。

    The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses .

  8. 这就必然得出一个结论:这两件事互有关联。

    This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected .

  9. 他的说话必然会招致批评。

    His comments were bound to attract criticism .

  10. 他们的失败自有其必然。

    There was an inevitability about their defeat .

  11. 这是发展的必然后果。

    This is a necessary consequence of progress .

  12. 这种政策必然会招致农场主的强烈抵制。

    Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers .

  13. 妇女和儿童必然是最遭罪的。

    Inevitably those who suffer the most are the mothers and children

  14. 他的未来必然还存有很多不确定的因素。

    There are bound to be question marks over his future

  15. 如此新鲜的事物刚开始必然会有些问题。

    There are bound to be teething problems with something so new .

  16. 减税政策必然导致公共支出的削减。

    Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure

  17. 国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。

    The King 's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion

  18. 旅游业是与政府有着必然的密切联系的产业。

    Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments .

  19. 巨大的损耗无疑是战争的必然结果。

    Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war

  20. 最值得拥有的财产必然要价不菲。

    The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices

  21. 我绝对不能接受我们这一产业的私有化目前已成必然的看法。

    I reject absolutely the notion that privatisation of our industry is now inevitable

  22. 碳化合物氧化后必然会产生二氧化碳。

    Carbon dioxide is a necessary result of the oxidation of carbon compounds .

  23. 如果该案胜诉,其他审判必然随之而来。

    If the case succeeds , it is inevitable that other trials will follow

  24. 他们拒绝妥协必然会引发联合国的更多批评。

    Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN .

  25. 那些司机必然会受到过失杀人的指控。

    Those drivers should face an automatic charge of manslaughter

  26. 他的拂袖而去必然会招来很多疑问。

    His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions .

  27. 事情不会仅仅因为你相信它是对的,就会必然如此。

    Merely because you believe a thing is right , it isn 't automatically so

  28. 这些测试必然会被政客们不失时机地拿去大做政治文章。

    These tests will inevitably be used by politicians to make cheap political points .

  29. 新发行的第37期国家储蓄债券是任何一个纳税人的必然之选。

    The new 37th issue of National Savings Certificates is a must for any taxpayer

  30. 胜利对我们来说是必然的。

    Success is an inevitability for us .