
BHP Billiton said the increase was due to strong demand for minerals , especially in China .
In 2010 , it rejected a $ 39 billion takeover bid by Australia 's BHP Billiton Ltd. for Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. , amid political opposition over the deal .
He won plaudits for his stint at BHP Billiton and has a deep knowledge of commodities , in which Temasek is underweight .
The company says surging demand from China for iron ore shipments will lift the mining industry , but it warns markets could remain volatile .
However , both BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto acknowledge the concerns expressed by some regulators and the obstacles to achieving clearance for the joint venture .
On August 3rd BHP Billiton announced a near - $ 3 billion write-down on some of its American gasfields because soaring production has made prices crash .
The company 's output of iron ore , as well as copper , zinc and nickel , surged in the last three months of2009 because of strong demand from Chinese carmakers and construction companies .
The Anglo-Australian miner , however , warns that markets could remain volatile as governments start to end their stimulus programs .
The move is aimed at creating a more balanced force in negotiations with foreign miners , including Brazil 's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Anglo-Australian groups Rio Tinto Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd.
Mr Nasser was chosen from a shortlist of candidates selected over a period of 18 months with the help of Heidrick Struggles , the recruitment company .
On Tuesday , BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance ( BMA ) , the country 's biggest coal miner , became the latest company to react to softening demand for resources from China , axing 700 jobs - 7 per cent of the joint venture 's total workforce - and warning of further cost cuts .
Investors will tolerate a measure of strategic promiscuity if it comes from a company like BHP , where operating cash flows after interest and tax were more than twice the sum of dividends and net debt in June .
Seeing BHP and all the other multi nationals can do it why can 't the Chinese .
BHP notified the market yesterday only after its investigation corroborated " possible violations of applicable anti-corruption laws involving interactions with government officials " , according to the company .