
xīn jì
  • Palpitation;true motives or feelings;the true state of one's mind
心迹 [xīn jì]
  • [the true state of one's mind;true motives or feelings] 思想与行为;犹心事;心情

心迹[xīn jì]
  1. 诀窍就在于利用更巧妙的办法来沟通感情,比如聊QQ或者送个小礼物表露心迹,雷教授说,时机也很关键。

    The trick is to use more subtle ways of communication , such as chatting on QQ or sending gifts to show your interest , Lei said . Timing is also important .

  2. 真丝也是品牌展露心迹的方式——诸位看看汤姆•福特(TomFord)推出的淡紫色燕尾服外套(售价2000英镑)以及巴宝莉-珀松(BurberryProrsum)推出的发亮款蓝色雨衣(售价1895英镑)便一清二楚了。

    Silk is also one way to make a statement - see Tom Ford 's lilac tuxedo jacket ( £ 2000 ) , main picture , or Burberry Prorsum 's blue metallic raincoat ( £ 1895 ) .

  3. 你的心迹将这书的空页存管。

    The vacant leaves thy mind 's imprint will bear .

  4. 边唱边走,调离心迹处!

    Sing & walk along , cam the misery heart !

  5. 自然的心迹高中语文教材人与自然尚欠和谐

    The Unharmonious Phenomena between Human and Nature in Chinese Textbooks in High School

  6. 心迹>系列是我近三年创作的实验水墨作品。

    Xinji are fine arts that I created over the past two years .

  7. 他无法向她表明心迹。

    He could not get across to her .

  8. 而且她格外注意不在人前表露心迹。

    And she was very careful to never let others know what she was thinking .

  9. 小学自然合作学习研究自然的心迹

    On Cooperative Study in Primary Nature Course

  10. 他无法向她表明心迹。问心无愧,笑对诬蔑。

    He could not get across to her . A clear conscience laughs at false accusation .

  11. 杰夫:古希腊奥运会上,有奥林匹克誓言,参赛选手要向神表白心迹。

    Jeff : In the ancient Olympic Games , the athletes should vow to the God .

  12. 可是她敢表明自己心迹吗?

    But dare she assert herself ?

  13. 自然的心迹1人性论。

    The Theory of Human Nature .

  14. 你终于表明心迹了?

    Are you finally fessing up ?

  15. 有时我真想鼓起勇气表达我的心迹&我爱你。

    Sometiomes I really want to screw up my courage to bare my heart & I love you !

  16. 你了互联网上思想的慰籍而不想在现实生活中向别人透露烦恼的心迹?

    How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing thoughts of the Internet ?

  17. 暴风雪毫无减弱的迹象。他无法向她表明心迹。

    The blizzard showed no sign of blowing itself out . He could not get across to her .

  18. 看着这对祥静幸福的老人,心迹淡然了许多。

    This is being looked at old Xiang Jing , their minds a lot of things in their stride .

  19. 他在这张照片配上了一个爱心的表情,对于这位让人惊艳的模特的心迹表露无遗。

    He simply captioned the post with a love heart emoji , making his feelings for the stunning model clear .

  20. 同时,布莱尔向恰克表明心迹,那么她的爱到底能不能帮助恰克赢回帝国酒店?

    Meanwhile , Blair has offered Chuck her heart , but is her love enough to help him win back his empire ?

  21. 目前,他正在写一份信表明心迹,并计划将其交给当地的美国大使馆。

    He 's currently working on a letter to announce his intentions and plans to give it to the local U.S. Embassy .

  22. 不过,要是你听听他这封信里所说的话,那你就会心肠软一些,因为他这番表明心迹还算不错。

    But if you will listen to his letter , you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself .

  23. 这些妇女在扇子及巾帕上绣写女书,并编唱故事歌谣,藉以互通心迹,从封闭的世界中暂时走出,分享彼此的希望、梦想和成就。

    They painted letters on fans , embroidered messages on handkerchiefs , and composed stories , thereby reaching out of their isolation to share their hopes , dreams , and accomplishments .

  24. 小路子早就清楚的表明过心迹,二少奶奶也曾亲口允过日后再给她寻一个合意的亲事。

    Path son early clearly once expressed real motives , 2 youth daughters-in-law also once the personally once acknowledged to look for a pleasant marriage for her again in the days to come .

  25. 我不记得我向你袒露心迹时,你是否转过头去使我羞愧难言。她的装束象个女工,却又露出一些想要重做农妇的迹象,她还年轻。

    I forget if you ever shamed me by looking away when I bared my heart She was dressed like a working-woman who is inclined to turn into a peasant again , she was young .

  26. 从五帝时代到商朝,诗言志是统治者用语言向神表达感情、表露心迹的一种方式。

    From the five emperors ' era to the Shang Dynasty ," Poetry as Expression of Ambitions " was the sacrificial offering in language and a way of revealing the feelings to God by rulers .

  27. 几年前,我在明尼苏达州观摩过一个育儿组织的讨论会,一位女士对其他成员坦陈心迹对我触动颇深。她说,她丈夫晚饭后刷盘子,但她一点也不觉得高兴。

    Several years ago , while observing a parenting group in Minnesota , I was struck by a confession one of the women made to her peers : She didn 't really care that her husband did the dishes after dinner .

  28. 他和女友从朋友做起,细心、体贴地照顾她。当他们互相了解并发展出健康的友谊后,他选择恰当的时机向女孩表明了自己的心迹。

    He started by becoming friends with the girl and taking care of her in a subtle but thoughtful way . After they knew each other well enough and developed a healthy friendship , he picked the right moment to let her know his feelings .