
  • 【医】Injection of heart
  1. 其中通过心脏注射而于乳腺获得特异性表达的实验结果尚未见报道。

    For the First time we report the successful expression in mammary gland via intracardial injection .

  2. 这名医生在Mauthausen集中营直接向犯人心脏中注射汽油,以这种方式谋杀了数百人。

    He is a doctor who murdered hundreds of people in the Mauthausen concentration camp by injecting gasoline directly into their hearts .

  3. 我们以往的研究表明,直接在心肌梗塞(myocardialinfarction,MI)动物的心脏缺血区注射胚胎干细胞(embryonicstemcells,ESCs)可以提高其心肌功能,干细胞组织工程学可以使组织再生、修复。

    Our previous findings demonstrated that directly injecting embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) into ischemic region of the heart improved cardiac function in animals with experimental myocardial infarction ( MI ) . Tissue engineering with stem cells may provide tissue creation and repair .

  4. 房室顺序型心脏起搏器顺序注射停流分光光度法测定痕量碘

    Sequential injection spectrophotometry for determination of trace iodide using stopped-flow technique