
  • 网络Psychotherapy group;Group Sex
  1. 方法:连续病例63例,分成心理治疗组(A组)和药物治疗组(B组),心理治疗组采用结构化的认知暴露疗法。

    METHODS : Sixty-three continuous patients with acute stress disorder were collected and divided into group A ( psychotherapy ) and group B ( medication ) . The cognitive exposure therapy was used in treating group A.

  2. 精神病性和STAI得分药物治疗组较心理治疗组下降幅度更大(P<005);HAMA、HAMD、BDI分数两组间无明显差异。

    There was no significant difference in the scores of HAMA , HAMD and BDI between the two groups .

  3. 药物治疗组8例,心理治疗组6例出现锥体外系副反应,对症治疗后副反应消失。

    The side effect of extrapyramidal system occurred in8 cases of the drug therapy group and6 cases of the psychotherapy group respectively , and the side effect disappeared after symptomatic treatment .

  4. 两组患者一次碎石成功率经χ~2检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),心理治疗组碎石效果明显优于使用镇痛剂组。

    The difference in one-time success rate was significant between the groups by X ~ 2 test ( P < 0.01 ), showing the effects of psychological therapy was significantly superior to aesthesia .

  5. 两组均服用抗精神病药物,药物治疗组折合氯丙嗪(420±130)mg/d,心理治疗组折合氯丙嗪(430±110)mg/d。心理治疗组患者同时给予心理治疗。

    The patients were given antipsychotic drug of chloropromazine of ( 420 ± 130 ) and ( 430 ± 110 ) mg per day in the drug therapy group and psychotherapy group respectively , besides those in the psychotherapy group also received psychotherapy .

  6. 实验组在常规治疗护理的基础上给予支持性心理治疗,对照组只给予常规治疗护理。

    The experiment group get Supportive Psychotherapy intervention The control group just get routine therapy and nursing .

  7. 结果:两种治疗方法对强迫症均有效,心理加药物治疗组明显优于单纯药物治疗组。

    RESULTS : The drug and psychological or only drug treatment all was effect but in drug and psychological group obviously exceeded only drug group .

  8. 方法在内科常规治疗的同时,应用支持性心理治疗对干预组一些不恰当认知的进行纠正,应用心理测验量表对照观察治疗两周。

    Method The supportive psychotherapy and the cognitive procedure therapy were employed to treat the patients with CHD . Two weeks later , the treatment was evaluated by the psychology test scale , and compared with the control group .

  9. 治疗后,失眠及心理量表积分治疗组明显减轻,与治疗前相比有显著性差异(P0.01);对照组无明显改善,与治疗前相比无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The treatment group and the control group the same effect ; two groups compare difference has no statistics significance ( P0.05 ) . ( 2 ) After treatment , Insomnia and psychological scale scores of treatment group was significantly decreased by compared with the before ( P0.01 ) .

  10. 心理作业时,治疗组与未治疗组左额叶功能活动不能被激活,左、右额叶rcBF均明显低于对照组。

    Moreover , when the patients in medicated and unmedicated groups were taken to cognitive challenge task an obvious deficit in the activation of the frontal lobes of both sides was Observed , rcBF of the left and right frontal lobes was obviously lower than that in the control .

  11. 方法:将78例患者作为药物和心理综合治疗的观察组。78例患者只进行药物治疗为对照组。

    Methods : 156 cases were divided into observation group ( 78 cases drugs together with psychotherapy ) and control group ( 78 cases of only drugs ) .

  12. 干预:康复组采取常规药物治疗+综合康复治疗(运动疗法+心理治疗),对照组仅采用常规药物(降压,改善脑循环及对症)治疗。

    INTERVENTIONS : Patients of rehabilitation group received both routine medication and integrated rehabilitative therapy ( cinesiotherapy + psychotherapy ) while the patients of control group only received routine medication ( decompression , improving cerebral circulation and symptomatic therapy ) .