
  • 网络Psychological orientation
  1. 分析的方法主要以剧情为依托找准人物的形象和心理定位,对作品进行艺术处理,对演唱难点提出自己的解决方法。

    Analysis methods to identify the character drama based image and psychological orientation , the work in the artistic treatment , and put forward their own singing and difficult solutions .

  2. 另外,受交际场合,交际时间,交际过程与交际对象等语境因素的影响和制约,它体现了交际者当时的心理定位,以及对维护一定社会关系的心理期待。

    Besides , influenced and restricted by communication context , such as the time , course , objects , the social address form reflects the speakers ' psychological orientation at that moment , and their hope of maintaining certain social relationships .

  3. 不同健康状况人群对医疗保障体制改革的心理定位调查

    A Investigation on the Psychological State of the Different Health Type of Group for the Reformation of Health Insurance System

  4. 新闻传媒对一个社会、一个民族的价值观念、道德准绳的确立作用巨大,就观念参照来讲,其主流媒体所起到的社会心理定位的坐标功能是不容忽视的。

    The news media plays great role in establishing the concept of value and moral criterion of a society or a nation .

  5. 本文在分析两者异同之后,又结合原型理论,从文化背景、社会分工及心理定位等方面阐释英汉语言性别歧视的成因。

    With the help of Prototype Theory , this thesis aims at explaining the causes of linguistic sexism from the aspects of cultural background , social division of labor and psychological localization .

  6. 要想成为一个符合时代要求的精进有成的设计者,就不能不从市场产品的心理定位、审美的逆反心理、国际化标准以及多种学科领域的纵横关系上去有效地观察、思考、体验和实践。

    An excellent designer who can meet the demand of the society , must observe , think , experience and go into practice from the psychological orientation of the market products , subversive psychology of aesthetics , international standards and the integrated relations of many disciplines .

  7. 从房地产营销定位的产生与发展入手,进而从理论上阐述了心理定位对房地产营销的意义,并从心理学角度讨论了心理定位对消费者的影响。

    Theoretically , this paper , starting from the emerge & development of business marketing location in real estate , expounds the significance of psychological location in real estate marketing . It also discusses the influence on consumers created by psychological location from the point of view of psychology .

  8. 声乐艺术表演心理的定位思考

    On the Performing Psychology of the Singing Art

  9. 不符合特定人群的心理的定位的商品,是很难产生商家所希望的那种心理定律流程。

    Does not conform to the specific crowds psychology localization commodity , is very difficult to have that kind of psychological law flow which the business hoped .

  10. 警察心理咨询的定位研究

    A Study on the Role of Police Psychological Consultation

  11. 受众心理与广告定位策略

    Audience Psychology And Advertisement Location Strategy

  12. 现代城市设计应该同时考虑物质环境质量的提高,社会心理价值的定位和投资效益的实现。

    In modern urban design , the improvement of the social psychological value and the realization of investment returns should be considered simultaneously .

  13. 心理健康教育定位不当是思想政治教育长期效果较差的重要原因之一。

    Improper orientation of mental health education has long been one of the important reasons for the poor effect of ideological and political education .

  14. 镜鉴于今天,这种迎合理应被采纳为对消费心理、市场定位的准确把握,才能够更好地顺应时代发展。

    To have a mirror view of today , the caters should have been adopted as an accurate grasp of consumer psychology and market positioning , which could lead to a better adaption to the times .

  15. 军队心理救援工作的定位及专家工作模型的建构

    Positioning of military psychological aid and constructing of expert working model

  16. 辅导员在大学生心理辅导中的定位

    Try to discuss the location of instructors in undergraduates ' psychological coach

  17. 主持人对语境的判断主要表现在对传播目标的定位上,具体表现为分析对象心理和自身角色定位的调整。

    Moderator on the context to judge mainly spread in the target location , the specific performance targets for the analysis of psychological adjustment and their own role .

  18. 要实现这一目标必须全面的了解学生的心理需要,认真定位教师和学生在教与学中应扮演的角色,开展以学生为中心,以学为中心的口语教学。

    To realize this goal , we must comprehensively understand the psychological demand of the students , properly position the roles of the teachers and the students in teaching and learning , develop the oral instruction " centering around the students " and " centering around learning " .

  19. 目前关于警察心理咨询的必要性、重要性研究较多,但是关于警察心理咨询应该如何定位、如何评价、如何开展等问题的研究较少。

    While more attention has been focused on the study of necessity and importance of police psychological consultation , less attention has been paid to the study on its role , evaluation and execution .

  20. 本文针对当前女大学生就业存在的心理问题,以及女大学生就业心理问题产生的原因,导致女大学生的自卑心理、角色定位偏差心理、竞争意识缺乏所带来的依赖心理等问题进行了剖析。

    In this paper , we analyze the psychological problems and their causes in the employment of female university students , especially some psychological problems such as inferiority complex , role positioning deviation and dependence caused by the lack of sense of competition .