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  • left atrial enlargement
  1. 提示肺循环血容量增多及左心功能状态是影响ANP分泌的主要因素,左心房扩大牵张是直接的影响因素。

    This study shows that increased pulmonary circulatory blood volume is the major factor to increase the plasma level of ANP , while left atrial enlargement and stretch being the direct cause .

  2. 结果左心房扩大为主者房性快速心律失常发生率(71.93%)显著高于右心房扩大为主者(20.00%)和心房内径正常者(14.29%),P0.01;

    Results To patients with left atrial enlargement , the rate of atrial tachyarrhythmias ( 71.93 % ) was proved to be obviously higher than those with right atrial enlargement ( 20.00 % ) and those with normal atrial dimension ( 14.29 % , P 0.01 ) .

  3. 心房扩大与P波离散度的相关性研究

    The Relationship of Atrial Expansion and P Wave Dispersion

  4. 心房扩大与P波离散度

    Atrial expansion and P wave dispersion

  5. 目的探讨心房扩大与P波离散度的关系。

    [ Objective ] This paper is to investigate the relationship between atrial expansion and P wave dispersion .

  6. 大鼠心脏房室束各部浦氏细胞的比较心房扩大与P波离散度的相关性研究

    Comparative study for purkinje cells in different parts of the atrioventricular bundle ( AVB ) of rat heart The Relationship of Atrial Expansion and P Wave Dispersion

  7. 目的探讨心电图P波宽度,切迹峰距,PV1负向波深度与宽度及P/PR指数对高血压左心房扩大的诊断敏感性和特异性。

    Objective To apply body surface electrocardiographic ( ECG ) values : P-wave width , peak spacing , PV_1 negative component depth and width , P / PR index in hypertension patients and evaluate their sensitivity and specificity for left artria enlargement .

  8. 结论老年高血压患者左心房扩大与血压,ALD,AT2及左室结构和功能有关。

    Conclusions In older patients with EH , left atrial dilatation was significantly correlated with blood pressure , ALD , AT2 , left ventricular structure and function .

  9. 结果:高血压患者左心房扩大和E/A比值异常分别占所有患者的50.6%和70.0%,是高血压心脏损害最常见的两种表现。

    Results : The echocardiographic characteristics of all patients showed that the proportion of left atria enlargement and E / A abnormality were 50 . 6 % and 70 . 0 % respectively , which were the two most common cardiac abnormalities in hypertension .

  10. 提示,左房压升高,或由此引起的心房扩大,房壁张力增加是二尖瓣狭窄患者ANF分泌的重要刺激因素,心房肌细胞能迅速而灵敏地调节ANF分泌,以适应心房压力的变化。

    These findings indicate that increased left atrial pressure is an important stimulus to ANF release in humans , and the atrial myocytes are sensitive to the short-term alteration of the left atrial pressure , thus being in a position to rapidly regulate its ANF secretion .

  11. 左心房扩大心电图诊断标准的临床应用价值

    Clinical Value of ECG Diagnosis Criteria for Left Atrial Amplification

  12. 高血压病患者左心室结构改变与左心房扩大的关系

    The relationship between the structure change of left ventricle and the enlargement of left atrium

  13. 高血压病患者左心房扩大及左心室结构和功能改变

    Left Atrial Dilatation and the Changes of Structure and Function of Left Ventricle of Hypertensive Patients

  14. 急性心房扩大使房颤易感性明显提高,房颤持续时间明显延长。

    Acute atrial dilation increases the vulnerability to AF and prolongs the duration of AF significantly .

  15. 急性心房扩大对兔心房有效不应期的影响及维拉帕米的干预作用

    Effects of Acute Atrial Dilation on Atrial Effective Refractory Period in Langendorff-Perfused Rabbit and Intervention by Verapamil

  16. 目的探讨体表心电图诊断左心房扩大的各项指标的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of body surface ECG diagnosis criteria for left atrial amplification .

  17. 合并左心房扩大的高血压患者雷米普利治疗前后左心房内径变化

    The change of left atrial diameter in the treatment of ramipril in mild-moderate hypertension patient with left atrial enlargement

  18. 美托洛尔注射剂治疗快速房性心律失常的临床研究心房扩大与房性快速心律失常关系分析

    Efficacy of intravenous metoprolol in the treatment of atrial tachyarrhythmia A study of relationship between atrial enlargement and atrial tachyarrhythmias

  19. 目的:急性心房扩大可导致急性心肌电生理改变和房颤易感性增加。

    Objectives : Acute atrial dilation can induce acute myocardial electrophysiological changes and increase the vulnerability to atrial fibrillation ( AF ) .

  20. 其中,右心房扩大6例,右心室扩大8例,全心脏扩大4例,占20%。

    Among 20 PPCM , there were enlargements of the right atrium in 6 cases , of the right ventricle in 8 cases and 20 % cardiomegaly .

  21. 而起搏器工作停止后恢复窦性心律一段时间心房扩大和房室瓣反流可逆转,并可改善心输出量。

    After stopping of pacemaker and restoration of sinus rhythm for six months atrial size and AV valvular regurgitation can decrease associated with increase of left ventricular stroke volume .

  22. 背景:临床观察发现高血压及冠心病患者普遍存在左心房扩大,但左房扩大的发生机制及临床意义尚未完全明了。

    BACKGROUND : As revealed by clinical observation , the left atrium enlargement commonly exits in most hypertensive and coronary heart disease patients . However , the mechanism of the left atrium enlargement is unknown .

  23. 该突变表型症状重,发病早,预后差,并与心房扩大和心房纤颤相关,提示该突变是致肥厚型心肌病的恶性突变。

    It showed a malignant phenotype of severe clinical symptoms , early onset , poor survival prognosis and was also associated with atrial enlargement and atrial fibrillation . Therefore , it is likely to be the disease causing mutation of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .

  24. 右心房高度扩大,腔静脉亦显著扩张。

    The right atrium and vena cava were remarkably dilated .

  25. 结果老年房颤患者左心房和左心室扩大,左心室射血分数减低,瓣膜退行性改变及血流动力学改变的发生率高于窦性心律者(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    Results In elderly AF patients the incidence rates of left atrial and ventricular enlargement , decreased ejection fraction , degenerative valve changes and hemodynamic changes were significantly higher than in sinus rhythm ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 方法将研究对象分为三组,A组为18例正常对照,B组为15例心房大小正常的房颤患者,C组为16例心房扩大的房颤患者。

    Methods Group A included 18 normal subjects , group B consisted of 15 patients with normal size atria and chronic atrial fibrillation , and group C comprised 16 patients with dilated atria and chronic atrial fibrillation .

  27. 结论厄贝沙坦联合索他洛尔转复阵发性心房颤动,预防心房颤动发作的疗效显著优于单用索他洛尔,并有延缓左心房扩大的作用。

    ConclusionThe combination of irbesartan and sotalol is more effective than sotalol alone for sinus rhythm maintenance and may restrain the enlargement of the left atrium .