
xīn jiān bó dònɡ
  • apex beat
  1. 结论:以心脏疾病表现就诊的患者,尤其是年老、消瘦、心尖搏动增强、脉压差大、血脂不高者,要警惕甲亢性心脏病的存在。

    Conclusion When patients have symptoms of heart disease , especially when they are senile and emaciated with forceful apex beat , large difference of pulse pressure and low blood lipid , it should be alert that hyperthyroid heart disease may be possible .

  2. 测定20例正常人和20例高血压病患者的心尖搏动图指数、血清内源性类洋地黄物质(EDLS)浓度、红细胞膜Na+-K+-ATP酶(钠泵)活性及红细胞内钾、钠、钙总量。

    In 20 normal subjects and 20 patients with essential hypertension we tested apexcardiogram indices , serum endogenous digoxin like substance ( EDLS ) concentration , erythrocyte membrane Na + K + ATPase activity and erythrocyte K , Na and Ca contents .

  3. 心尖搏动图收缩波的形态与频谱研究

    A study on forms and frequency spectra of systolic wave complex

  4. 心尖搏动图舒张振幅时间指数评定左室舒张功能

    Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function by diastolic amplitude time index of APEXCARDIOGRAM

  5. 用微波技术测量心尖搏动图

    Measuring Apexcardiogram With Microwave Technology

  6. 心尖搏动图测定中老年长跑者左室舒张功能和顺应性

    Bubble chamber assessment of left ventricular diastolic function and compliance in aging long distance runners by APEXCARDIOGRAM

  7. 评估病人循环系统状况,包括心尖搏动、心电图和外周脉搏。

    Assess client 's circulatory status , including apical pulse , electrocardiogram report , and peripheral pulses .