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Third , moral leadership has a significant positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior .
It analyzes the employees ' aesthesis about the dimensions of moral leadership and organizational citizenship behavior with different characteristics .
Moral leadership and authoritarian leadership influence distributive justice by mediation of procedural justice , leader justice and leader interpretation completely .
Specifically , benevolent leadership and moral leadership have significantly positive correlations with team creativity , while the correlation between authoritarian leadership and team creativity is not significant .
However , considering the weight of subordinate 's sex , sex combinations of supervisor-subordinate do have the prevailing influence on authoritarianism and benevolent leadership but on moral leadership .
Originated from Chinese culture background , and with a certain cultural heterogeneity , paternalistic leadership ( PL ) includes three dimensions , such as moral leadership , benevolence leadership and authoritarianism leadership .
Exploratory Factor Analysis ( EFA ) of data from a sample of 431 employees showed that transformational leadership was a four-dimension construct in China , which included Morale Modeling , Charisma ,( Visionary ) and Individualized Consideration .