
  • 网络debye shielding;debye shield
  1. 结果表明:新动力学方程包括动屏蔽和静异蔽两重效应,静屏蔽效果正好与过去考虑德拜屏蔽一致.这一测量结果可以用德拜模型来解释。

    It is shown that static shielding and dynamical shielding are involved in Neokinetic equation . Static shielding effect is as Debye shielding . The data agree with the Debye model ;

  2. 热密QED中的德拜屏蔽和色超导物质的比热

    On Debye Screening Mass in Hot and Dense QED and the Specific Heat of Color-Superconducting Matter

  3. 等离子体中非线性二维德拜屏蔽的精确解析解

    New analytical solutions of nonlinear two-dimensional Debye screening in plasmas

  4. 等离子体中非线性三维德拜屏蔽的理论研究

    Study of the Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Debye Screening in Plasmas