
  1. 二战中,图灵在帮助英国政府破译德国密码时起到了至关重要的作用。

    Turing was crucial in helping the UK government decode German intelligence during World War II .

  2. 但是责任和帝国并不能解开德国密码,而丘吉尔却从未期待过艾伦·图灵。

    But duty and empires did not solve ciphers , and Churchill never bargained for an Alan Turing .

  3. 在这项工作中,图灵战胜了三心二意的德国密码部门,

    So in doing this for the Delilah , he was finally scoring off the half-hearted efforts of German cryptography .

  4. 正如谜机一样,总会有缴获到机器设备的可能性,而且德国密码人员也会制造这种可能。

    As with Enigma , there was always the possibility of an eventual hardware capture , and the German cryptographers should have allowed for that possibility .

  5. 这些问题还都有待于研究,因为德国密码机只触及了问题的皮毛。

    All these questions remained to be explored , for the exigencies of the German cipher machines had barely scratched the surface of what could be done .

  6. 英法的反应毫无作用,因为德国密码分析部门能够破解他们的大量通信,

    The Anglo-French response was not helped by the fact that the German cryptanalytic department , the Beobachter Dienst , was able to read a number of their messages ,

  7. 英美联合系统使用的护航队通信密码,实际上是德国密码部门早就能够破译的英国旧密码。

    For one thing , the convoy routeing cipher , introduced as a joint Anglo-American system , was in fact an old British book cipher which the B. Dienst were able to recognise .

  8. 事实也许有点消极:德国密码部门没怎么认真对付它,正如1938年英国没花多少功夫对付谜机。

    Perhaps the most salient fact was the negative one : that the B. Dienst made no serious effort against them , just as in 1938 no serious effort had been made against the Enigma .

  9. 尽管它的目标是德国密码机,但其指令表的灵活性,使它可以很轻松地摇身一变成为数字乘法机。

    Even though a parasite on the German cipher machine , the flexibility offered by its instruction table facility was such that it could even be ' almost ' set up to perform numerical multiplication .

  10. 他们的研究迈入了一个特殊的新阶段,德国密码界的盲目和混乱,导致了这样的结局。更让这些人觉得神奇的是,他们与机器之间,常常会产生一种对话的感觉。

    In their work , in this new extraordinary phase , the arbitrary dispensations of the German cryptographic system had brought something like this into being - and even more uncanny for those who did it , a sense of dialogue with the machine .

  11. 布莱切利破译了一些德国的密码,而德国人却不知道。

    At Bletchley they had already deciphered some of the figures that Germans did not know , or want to know .

  12. 但德国的密码系统并不是这样的,他们的密钥是由机器生成的。

    But that was not the case with these German transmissions . The key was generated by the action of a machine .

  13. 1914年,苏联人打捞到了德国的密码本,并转呈英国海军,随后,英国从大学和其它学校招募了大量人员,来破译各种各样的无线或有线的信号。

    After the initial break of a captured German code book , passed to the Admiralty by Russia in 1914 , a great variety of wireless and cable signals had been deciphered by a mostly civilian staff , recruited from universities and schools .

  14. 1935年,英国在它的基础上进行了一些改造,创造了泰派克斯,而几年前德国的密码专家则用不同的路子进行了改造,虽然改造版的名字还叫谜机,但性能却比商用版高出很多。

    In 1935 the British had created Typex by adding certain attachments to it , while a few years earlier the German cryptographic authorities had modified it in a different way to create the machine which , though bearing the original name of Enigma , was much more effective than the commercially available device .

  15. 但是为了防止英国变成第二个德国,编码密码学校并不是非常活跃。

    But in protecting the British Empire from a revived Germany , the Code and Cypher School was less vigorous .