
wēi shēnɡ wù yí chuán xué
  • microbial genetics
  1. 加强指导,提高微生物遗传学综合性实验效果

    Improving the effects of experiment of microbial genetics by intensifying instruction

  2. 细菌融合看来是微生物遗传学研究的一个较大的进展。

    Bacteria fusion promises to be a major advance in research involving microbial genetics .

  3. 微生物遗传学应用到环境工程领域,给传统的水污染控制技术和环境监测方法注入了新的活力。

    The application of Microbiological Genetics in environmental engineering field pours great vitality into traditional water pollution control techniques and environmental monitoring means .

  4. 亦称为微生物遗传学专题实验,这是一个动手操作之研究课程,它被设计为介绍给学生微生物学之研究方法及其挑战。

    Also referred to as the microbial genetics project lab , this is a hands-on research course designed to introduce the student to the strategies and challenges associated with microbiology research .

  5. 详细阐述了微生物遗传学的基本概念及其技术发展过程,特别介绍了微生物遗传技术在环境工程上的应用&利用微生物技术手段创建高效降解菌研究情况。

    This article gires a review on the basic conception and technological progress of microbial genetics , especially introduces application of technology of microbial genetics on environmental engineering-establishing highly effective degradation microorganism by microbial technology .

  6. 正是这次经验促使我去担任微生物和病毒遗传学课程的助教。

    It was this experience that motivated me to seek a position as a teacher 's assistant for a course in Microbial and Viral Genetics .

  7. 工业微生物育种是运用遗传学原理和技术对某种具有特定生产目的的菌株进行改造,去除不良性质,增加有益新性状,以提高产品的产量和质量的一种育种方法。

    Industrial microbe breeding is to apply genetic principles and techniques to reform some special productive strains and get rid of their harmful natures or add some beneficial characters .